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New additions to Netflix The following recently added movies and TV shows received a Metascore of61or higher (or are titles of interest that do not have a Metascore). Mediocre and poorly reviewed releases are omitted;this is just the good stuffadded within the past few months to Netflix. A...
(Chris Hemsworth), a large-nosed wasteland warlord who killed her family. It's not as good as its predecessor, butFury Roadis one of the best action movies of all time, so almost nothing compares.Furiosais still worth watching to experience the unique, highly specific world directorGeorge ...
Welcome to Best Netflix Movies where you can find the best movies to watch on Netflix. This is your number one source to find the latest and most popular Netflix movies that are available in your country or language.
and the effect of this creative choice is sheer bliss. Whether you're discoveringthe films of Studio Ghiblifor the first time on Netflix, or you've seen all the way through toThe Boy & The Heronand simply want to revisit one of theall-time greatest anime movies, you’ll never go wron...
Here's a complete list of the best War Movies available on Netflix in the U.S.. The list is updated daily and is sorted by IMDb rating, but you can also choose to sort it by the date when the titles were added to Netflix, which is convenient if y
“Spider-Man” trilogy. The 2002 film is one of the most influential comic book adaptations of all time, as Raimi’s colorful yet grounded approach to Peter Parker’s journey laid the foundation for innumerable superhero movies to come. “Spider-Man 2” is one of the best sequels ever ...
50 best movies to watch on Netflix right now 目前可以在Netflix上看的50部最佳电影 While there’s no substitute for the authentic cinema experience, Netflix has done a decent job appeasing film fans this year in lieu of the usual blockbuster offerings dominating the multiplex. ...