History Detectives 《历史侦探》是美国公共广播公司(PBS)出品的一部了不起的电视剧,年龄大一点的孩子和成年人都会喜欢。但它不只是为历史爱好者准备的,每一个故事都非常引人入胜,任何人都可能被吸引住。每一集剧中总有一些神秘的东西出现,亟待解决,从这一点上看非常有可观性,令人上瘾!America: The Story...
Watch Netflix movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more.
Netflix 2021 Summer Movie Preview The Announcement: Get your popcorn ready, new movies are coming to Netflix every week this summer! HEREyou’ll find a full overview for the summer slate with additional details. The exclusive sneak peekfeatures Netflix films being released from now through Augus...
《Rolling Stone大水花》为你从满满的全年档期中,精选出了2021年最值得期待的15部Netflix电影。1 《活死人军团》ARMY OF THE DEAD 《活死人军团》宣传照 扎导(Zack Snyder)剪辑版的《正义联盟》已经在HBO Max定档,但扎导在《正义联盟》后真正的首部电影《活死人军团》还迟迟没有宣布首播日期,大约是Netflix要...
TheFear Streettrilogy is one of the coolest horror experiments in years. Across the summer of 2021, director Leigh Janiak dropped three brand new scary movies on Netflix, each arriving a week apart with their own distinct look and feel, but telling an interconnected story spanning hundreds of ...
《电影的故事:你我的永恒印象 The Movies That Made Us》带大家来认识打造这些电影的导演、演员和专业业内人士。 Netflix奈飞电影的故事:你我的永恒印象 《浮生热梦》 又名:Fever Dream 影片类型:电影 影片上映日期:10月13日 影片内容介绍:《浮生热梦 Fever Dream》阳光明媚的午后,两位年轻的母亲相识。一位在...
报道News | #娱乐报道Movies&TV By 亨利周 这是Netflix的黄金时代。 《Rolling Stone大水花》为你从满满的全年档期中,精选出了2021年最值得期待的15部Netflix电影。 1 《活死人军团》 ARMY OF THE DEAD 《活死人军团》宣传照 扎导(Zack Snyder)剪辑版的《正义联盟》已经在HBO Max定档,但扎导在《正义联盟》后...
Here are the 10 most-watched original movies on Netflix this year so far (Photo: "Extraction", Courtesy of Netflix) 1 / 1 根據Netflix 最新發布的收視統計數據,2020年的《驚天營救》是2021年收視率最高的原創電影。以下來看看10部最熱門電影的完整片單。
Below are our top picks for most anticipated Netflix original movies to come in 2021. Pieces of a Woman View full post on Youtube This is arguably one of Netflix's best first outings of the year. Starring Vanessa Kirby, Shia LaBoeuf, and Ellen Burstyn, Pieces of a Woman is the heart...
February 26, 2025│Updated New additions to Netflix The following recently added movies and TV shows received a Metascore of61or higher (or are titles of interest that do not have a Metascore). Mediocre and poorly reviewed releases are omitted;this is just the good stuffadded within the pas...