achieving net-zero by 2045; the Tent Mountain pumped hydro development project; the Mount Keith transmission project; the Garden Plain wind project, including the expected timing of commercial operation; the ability to leverage our investment in EIP to identify, pilot and commerciali...
Net-zero Germany: Chances and challenges on the path to climate neutrality by 2045 October 19, 2021 | Report Hauke Engel Stefan Helmcke Ruth Heuss Solveigh Hieronimus Climate neutrality in Germany is possible as early as 2045, but decisive action mus...
Mr. Albert Wong, CEO of HKSTP, said: “Hong Kong is fast emerging as a leader and a first-mover in green tech and green finance innovation. We hope our Net-Zero 2045 vision can help lead the way by setting new operating benchmarks and show Hong Kong businesses and industries that Net...
has enshrined what is considered one of the world's most ambitious climate targets into law. It isaimingto be the first high-income country to reach net zero emissions in 2035 and net negative by 2040.
近日,全球第八大班轮公司韩新海运(HMM)宣布,为应对急剧变化的海运市场,该公司计划至2030年将集装箱船队运力规模扩张至150万TEU,将散货船船队运力规模扩张至1228万载重吨,实现业务的均衡增长,并在2045年提前实现净零排放(Net Zero)目标。 据了解,此次船队扩张是HMM2030年中长期战略的一部分。Alphaliner的数据显示,...
Amtrak Aims to Achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2045 WASHINGTON – As part of Amtrak’s vision for the future, Amtrak has pledged to achieve
In this work, a new modeling tool called DECAL is developed and used to evaluate what it will take to reach California's new climate goal of net-zero emissions by 2045. DECAL is a scenario-based model that projects emissions, society-wide costs, and resource consumption in response to user...
Less than 10% of California energy comes from wind and solar, but they are going to be net-zero by 2045. U.S. Energy Information Administration – EIA – Independent Statistics and Analysis Here’s What California Accomplished in 2022 on Climate | California Governor...
BT BT reaffirmed its commitment to be net zero by 2045. Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom aims to target group-wide network power from 100% renewables by 2021. Deutsche Telekom aims to reduce CO2 emissions per customer by 25% by 2030 compared to 2017, and to reduce CO2 emissions...
The German government yesterday said it plans to introduce an "ambitious" new law to increase the pace of Germany's energy transition by aiming to cut Germany's emissions by 65% by 2030 in a bid to reach net zero by 2045. Sources speaking to Gas Matters Today said in achieving its new...