Not only does this support our goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, it also drives reduced waste, water and energy consumption.Reducing our GHG emissions Our approach to carbon stewardship extends throughout our entire value chain, from raw material extraction to manufacturing, ...
Equinor has taken a clear stand on this: Our ambition is to continue supplying society with energy with lower emissions over time and reach net zero by 2050. But many people ask us: How – exactly – are we going to get there?
To reach the goals in the Paris Agreement, emissions need to be reduced by at least 40% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. This is essential for keeping global warming well-below 2°C, preferably under the 1.5°C mark. For SKF to be a part of reaching these goals we have set sci...
“The window to stay on track for net-zero road transport emissions by 2050 is still open – but only just barely. A big push is needed from governments, automakers, part suppliers and charging infrastructure providers in the years ahead,” said Aleksandra O’Donovan, head of...
We are all aware of the effect greenhouse gasemissionsis having on our planet and the efforts needed to tackleclimate change. Most of us aredoing our bitto minimise our impact on the environment, but despite our collective effort, are we doing enough to achievenet zeroby 2050?我们都知道温室...
BSI has created net zero related articles from all industries to help organizations with their carbon management, as net emissions must reduce by 100% by 2050.
近日,国际能源署(IEA)发布年度重磅报告《2050年净零排放:全球能源行业路线图》(Net Zero by 2050,A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector)。这份提前一个月预热的报告,被IEA署长称为“五十年来最重要的报告之一”。 报告里详细介绍了如何过渡到净零能源系统,净零能源系统即实现碳中和。氢能作为终极清洁能源,变...
The research, which looks at the risks and opportunities for suppliers in emerging markets as large corporates transition to net zero, reveals that 78 per cent of MNCs will remove suppliers that endanger their carbon transition by 2025. MNCs also expect to exclude 35 per cent of th...
Net zero by 2050: the case for green industrial policyView further author informationJames MeadowcroftView further author informationbrunoarcand@cmail.carleton.caBruno Arcand
LONDON, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Britain made a legally binding commitment on Thursday to bringing all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, setting it the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by mid-century. ...