/rtsdomain[:DomainName] 指定要同步處理時鐘的 Reliable Time Server 之網域。 /set 同步處理電腦時鐘與所指定電腦或網域的時間。 /querysntp 顯示目前設定給本機電腦或在ComputerName中所指定的電腦之網路時間通訊協定 (NTP) 伺服器。 /setsntp[:NTPServerList] 指定本機電腦所使用的 NTP 時間伺服器清單。該清...
/setsntp[:NTPServerList]:Specifies a list of NTP time servers to be used by the local computer. The list can contain IP addresses or DNS names, separated by spaces. If you use multiple time servers, you must enclose the list in quotation marks. net helpcommand:Displays help for the spec...
net time [{ComputerName | /domain[:DomainName] | /rtsdomain[:DomainName]}] [/set] net time [ComputerName] [/querysntp] [/setsntp[:NTPServerList]] 参数: computername 指定要检查或与之同步的服务器的名称。 /domain[:domainname] 指定要同步时钟的域。 /rtsdomain[:domainname] 指定要与之同步...
net time [\\ComputerName] [/querysntp] [/setsntp[:NTPServerList]] For example, to set the computer's clock to match the Server01, use this command: C:\>net time \\Server01 /set The Net Use command This command connects to or disconnects from a shared resource on another computer ...
server in the NTP Pool. Possible solutions are to either remove all but one server address - in which case, the time returned by it will always be used - even if it's invalid, or change your servers - if you're using the NTP Pool servers, then you should point to the servers for...
net time[{\\ComputerName|/domain[:DomainName] |/rtsdomain[:DomainName]}] [/set] net time[\\ComputerName] [/querysntp] [/setsntp[**:**NTPServerList]] Parameters \\ComputerName Specifies the name of a server you want to check or with which you want to synchronize. ...
NET TIME [\\computername | /DOMAIN[:domainname] | /RTSDOMAIN[:domainname]] [/SET] [\\computername] /QUERYSNTP [\\computername] /SETSNTP[:ntp server list] NET TIME 用于使一个计算机的时钟与另外一个计算机或域的时钟同步,或者显示一个计算机或域的时间。 当在 Windows 服务器域上使用不带选项...
NET_DVR_COMMANDTIMEOUT 14 设备命令执行超时。 NET_DVR_ERRORSERIALPORT 15 串口号错误。指定的设备串口号不存在。 NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT 16 报警端口错误。指定的设备报警输入或者输出端口不存在。 NET_DVR_PARAMETER_ERROR 17 参数错误。SDK接口中给入的输入或输出参数为空,或者参数格式或值不符合要求。 NET_...
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative eTemplates > System > Windows Time Service > Time Providers Configure Windows NTP Client Enable the policy> set the NtpServer setting toserver-name(comma)stratum-type(space).If you get this wrong you wont sync, and you will seethis error. ...