通常http请求时前端都会携带或多或少的数据传递给服务端,通过nestjs可以很好的拿到params、query、data等数据 处理param import{ Controller, Get, Param }from'@nestjs/common'; @Controller({ path: 'cat' }) exportclassAppController { @Get(':id') getCatById(@Param() params: any) { // 拿到整个pa...
}) @ApiResponse({ status: 403, description: "Forbidden." }) @Get("feed") async getFeed( @User("id") userId: number, @Query() query ): Promise<ArticlesRO> { return await this.articleService.findFeed(userId, query); } 我们注意下getFeed接口,用于查询用户的关注动态文章的方法。根据传入...
import { Controller, Get ,Req, Ip, Post,Query,Param,Body} from '@nestjs/common'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { Request, query } from 'express'; // import {CreateCatDto} from './DTO/catDto' class CreateCatDto { readonly name: string; readonly age: number...
As explained in the doc, optional query params should make use of DefaultValuePipe, but there are some cases that absense of a query param have use case meaning. Imagine that I want to get user's notifications: @Get('user/:id/notifications') getUserNotifications( @Param('id') userId: ...
log.params = JSON.stringify({ ...request.query, ...request.params, ...request.body }); //浏览器信息 log.user_agent = request.headers['user-agent']; log.username = request.user?.username; this.logService.saveOperationLog(log).catch((err) => { ...
ValidationPipe does not validate the type of primitive arguments (@Query / @Param), but when the transform argument is true then it converts primitives from string values. One side effect of this is that optional query params that are not specified, get converted from undefined to NaN. This ...
//返回值为query参数 return { hello :1 } } @NextRender() ['a/[...t]/[[...test]]'](@NextParam("t") t, @NextParam("test") test, @NextParam() allParam) { return { t, test, allParam } } @NextRender() ['test2/abc']() { ...
To create a type with the same fields, but with each one optional, use PartialType() passing the class reference (CreateCatDto) as an argument: export class UpdateCatDto extends PartialType(CreateCatDto) {}复制 info Hint The PartialType() function is imported from the @nestjs/mapped-types...
('request', request.params); //console.log('request', request.query); //console.log('request', request.url); // 用法一:验证是否是白名单内的路由 if (this.isWhiteUrl(this.whiteUrlList, request.url)) { return true; } else { return false; } // 用法二:使用反射器,配合装饰器使用,...