通常http请求时前端都会携带或多或少的数据传递给服务端,通过nestjs可以很好的拿到params、query、data等数据 处理param import{ Controller, Get, Param }from'@nestjs/common'; @Controller({ path: 'cat' }) exportclassAppController { @Get(':id') getCatById(@Param() params: any) { // 拿到整个pa...
args: any[]): MiddlewareFunction { return (req, res, next) => { let reqToken = token(); let startTime = new Date(); let logreq = { "@timestamp": startTime.toISOString(), "@Id": reqToken, query: req.query, params: req.params, url: req.url, fullUrl: req.originalUrl, metho...
@Param(key?:string)req.params/req.params[key]@Body(key?:string)req.body/req.body[key]@Query(key?:string)req.query/req.query[key]@Headers(name?:string)req.headers/req.headers[name] 示例 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Controller('posts')exportclassPostsController{constructor(privatereadonly postsServ...
@Param(key?: string) req.params / req.params[key] @Body(key?: string) req.body / req.body[key] @Query(key?: string) req.query / req.query[key] @Headers(name?: string) req.headers / req.headers[name] @Ip() req.ip @HostParam() req.hosts ...
By default, every path parameter and query parameter comes over the network as a string. In the above example, we specified the id type as a number (in the method signature). Therefore, the ValidationPipe will try to automatically convert a string identifier to a number. ...
{ return 'This route uses a wildcard'; } // params @Get('/haha/:id') demo3(@Param() params) { console.log(params.id); return 'This route uses a wildcard'; } // params @Get('/haha2/:id') findOne(@Param('id') id: string): string { return `This action returns a #${...
)} \n Param: ${JSON.stringify(req.params)} \n Query: ${JSON.stringify(req.query)} \n Body: ${JSON.stringify( req.body, )} \n Headers: ${JSON.stringify(req.headers)} \n Client: :user-agent \n ${'='.repeat(20)} `); ...
{"id":1,"method":"GET","url":"/","query":{},"params":{"0":""},"headers":{"host":"localhost:3000","user-agent":"curl/7.64.1","accept":"*/*"},"remoteAddress":"::1","remotePort":63822},"context":"MyService","foo":"bar","msg":"baz qux"} {"level":20,"time":...
('request', request.params); //console.log('request', request.query); //console.log('request', request.url); // 用法一:验证是否是白名单内的路由 if (this.isWhiteUrl(this.whiteUrlList, request.url)) { return true; } else { return false; } // 用法二:使用反射器,配合装饰器使用,...
Feature Request As explained in the doc, optional query params should make use of DefaultValuePipe, but there are some cases that absense of a query param have use case meaning. Imagine that I want to get user's notifications: @Get('user...