默认情况下,服务器的防火墙会阻止外部网络访问 MongoDB 的默认端口(27017)。如果从外部网络访问 MongoDB,需要在服务器的防火墙中放开 MongoDB 端口 4 Compass 连接MongoDB 启动MongoDB Compass 后,点击 New connection,依次选择 Advanced Connection Options -> Authentication -> Username/Password,用户名输入 root,密码...
Operations操作,设置标签、请求头、状态码等 Security安全,如内置的 Bearer authentication 请求头认证 Mapped Types可从 @nestjs/swagger 包导出 PartialType 所有属性都设置为可选 、PickType 选取一组属性来构造新类型、OmitType 删除一组特定的键来构造类型、IntersectionType 合并类型等 Decorators装饰器,介绍了所有可...
Bonus: Add MongoDB with Mongoose 9 lessons Extensions... Authentication and Authorization +$79 Architecture and Advanced patterns +$95 Advanced concepts +$69 Bundle -22% Advanced: Architecture + Concepts +$129 Microservices +$59 GraphQL - Code first +$39 GraphQL - Schema first +$...
dockerjwttypescriptdocker-composepassportnestdocker-imagesnestjspassport-jwtnestjs-jwtbookmark-apinestjs-prismanestjs-authenticationnestjs-postgresql UpdatedMar 21, 2023 TypeScript nestjs example, mongodb database, jwt authentication with cookie, phone number login ...
For a production environment, you should also consider user authentication for your application. 我们将构建的是一个博客应用,用户可以使用该应用创建和保存新文章,在主页上查看保存的文章以及执行的其他过程,例如编辑和删除文章。此外,我们还会连接应用并将应用数据持久化到 [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/...
We will use Nest.js to develop the backend API and then a Vue.js application to build components for creating, editing, deleting and showing the total list of customers from a mongoDB database. 我们将使用Nest.js开发后端API,然后使用Vue.js应用程序构建用于创建,编辑,删除和显示mongoDB数据库中的...
This project uses NestJS, GraphQL, and MongoDB. This project implements user authentication. It will be easy to add other GraphQL schemas following the same structure. User auth is implemented in this project because it is one of the hardest and most common things to create for an API. ...
This project contains MongoDB integration, Typegoose as ORM, JWT as authentication method, Sendgrid for email sending and swagger for API documentation. mongodb swagger sendgrid nestjs typegoose nestjs-backend nestjs-template nestjs-boilerplate Updated Apr 23, 2022 TypeScript ...
A full-stack TypeScript solution, and starter project. Includes an API, CLI, and example client webapp. Features include production grade logging, authorization, authentication, MongoDB migrations, and end-to-end testing. - ablestack/nestjs-bff
NestJS:在用GraphQL & MongoDB定义InputType和ObjectType字段时,我们可以使用自定义类型和类吗? 、、 我对这些堆栈相当陌生,因为我试图使用它们来构建应用程序(GraphQL、NestJS和使用MongoDB实现)。我有一个模型文件,在该文件中,我导出了一个自定义类和类型,以便在以后定义为:@ObjectType() @的GraphQL和Mongo集...