You should have a mongo container up and running with hostname "db" and the port number "27017" Author monolithed commented Aug 2, 2021 ➜ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ba89956a7c37 nestjs-microservices-example_task "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 days ago ...
Issue type: [ x] question [ ] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue Database system/driver: [ ] cordova [ ] mongodb [ x] mssql [ ] mysql / mariadb [ ] oracle [ ] postgres [ ] cockroachdb [ ] sqlite [ ] sqljs [ ] react-na...
name: mongo_network If I deploy this with docker-compose I can connect from the host to ‘mongodb-primary’ without any problem but if I use docker stack deploy I cannot connect to it. I can see on the stack that the service ‘mongodb-primary’ has the published port ID NAME MODE RE...
had a problem. Mongo replica set connection was not accessible to server in another container. I’veused ChatGPT. Gave my code. It showedme the things I didn’t know and helped me work out a problem I’ve struggled with for 2 days. It’ awesome! Chat is basically Stack...
Working with nested arrays in MongoDb!! Who would have thought it would be such a pain to update data in nested arrays in a database! So frustrated!!! rant mongodb databases mongodb mongoose 4 Gerrymandered 7511 7y Why must JavaScript not support multidimensional arrays? rant js javascr...
Issue type: [x] question [ ] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue Database system/driver: [ ] cordova [ ] mongodb [ ] mssql [x] mysql / mariadb [ ] oracle [ ] postgres [ ] cockroachdb [ ] sqlite [ ] sqljs [ ] react-nati...
Issue type: [x] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] documentation issue Database system/driver: [ ] cordova [ ] mongodb [ ] mssql [ ] mysql / mariadb [x] oracle [ ] postgres [ ] cockroachdb [ ] sqlite [ ] sqljs [ ] react-native [ ] expo T...
Please give me one good reason to use mongoose with a mongoDB. Once upon a time it might have made sense to use a schema for the db. Today the native driver supports schemas and can check them on inserting. Nevermind one should validate the data before its hitting the db. I listened...