Interestingly, the nestin-positive pancreatic progenitor cells share many phenotypic markers with mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow.世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)LingZhangTian-PeiHongJiangHuYi-NanLiuYong-HuaWuLing-SongLiZhang L , Hong TP, Hu J, et a l. Nestin2positive p rogenitor cells ...
由于nestin在神经细胞和胶质细胞及它们的前体细胞中都有表达,并且nestin在发育的大脑和受损伤的大脑和脊髓中都有表达,因此nestin被广泛用作神经干细胞(neural stem cells)或神经祖细胞(neural progenitor cells)的分子标记。Nestin在胶质瘤(glioma),神经母细胞瘤(neuroblastomas)等不同的神经系统肿瘤细胞中被发现,因此nestin...
Oct4 is expressed in Nestin-positive cells as a marker for pancreatic endocrine progenitor in pancreatic endocrine precursor cells) and Nestin (a intermediate filament, Nestin-positive cells isolated from islets can be induced to express insulin) ... H Wang,S Wang,J Hu,... - 《Histochemistry ...
【关键词】巢蛋白;胶质细胞纤维酸性蛋白;侧脑室下区;神经前体细胞;人Theimmunocytochemicaloberservationonthenestinpositivecellsoftheadulthumansubventriclezone(SVZ)GUHuaiyu,WangShuxing,YaoZhibin.BrainResearchBranch,SunYat-senUni ersityofMedicalSciences,GuangzhouSl0089China【Abstract】ObjectiveToinvestigatethe...
由于nestin在神经细胞和胶质细胞及它们的前体细胞中都有表达,并且nestin在发育的大脑和受损伤的大脑和脊髓中都有表达,因此nestin被广泛用作神经干细胞(neural stem cells)或神经祖细胞(neural progenitor cells)的分子标记。Nestin在胶质瘤(glioma),神经母细胞瘤(neuroblastomas)等不同的神经系统肿瘤细胞中被发现,因此...
18,19 In contrast, nestin was strongly expressed by tubular and interstitial cells, in addition to podocytes, in the kidney at day 13 after UUO. Nestin-positive tubular cells and tubulointerstitial cells were localized mainly at the outer medulla, rather than cortex and inner medulla (Figure 1c...
Constitutive expression of Pax4 in embryonic stem cells promotes differentiation of nestin-positive progenitor and insulin-producing cells Diabetes has increasingly become a worldwide health problem, causing huge burden on healthcare system and economy. Type 1 diabetes (T1D), traditionally ter... P ...
Nestin is a member of the intermediate filament family, which is expressed in a variety of stem or progenitor cells as well as in several types of malignancies. Nestin might be involved in tissue homeostasis or repair, but its expression has also been associated with processes that lead to a...
nor toprogenitor cellsof neurons, but can be found in thePNSand in a number of other non-neural stem cell populations. Among these are pancreatic island precursor cells, myogenic cells, hair follicle sheath progenitor cells and embryonic stemcell-derived progenitor cells that have the potential to...
This literature review reflects current knowledge on the intermediate filament protein nestin, which most authors regard as a marker of “neural stem/progenitor cells.” The structural-functional characteristics of nestin and its presence in various central nervous system cells at different stages of ont...