Nestin(+) cells direct inflammatory cell migration in atherosclerosis. Nat Commun. 2016;7:12706. Figure 1. Hypertensive Apoe-/- mice have characteristics of unstable atherosclerotic lesions. Apoe-/- and BPH/Apoe-/- mice were fed a WTD for 16wks A) Weekly body mass progression. B) Total ...
Cultures of cells immunoreactive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), as well as for the intermediate filament marker nestin were grown in a medium including epidermal growth factor (EGF) and serum. The cultured cells had the morphology of astroglial cells. The cells can be proliferated in...
nestin命名应该是源于neuroepithelial stem cells,意思应该是神经上皮干细胞表达的蛋白质)。
【关键词】巢蛋白;胶质细胞纤维酸性蛋白;侧脑室下区;神经前体细胞;人Theimmunocytochemicaloberservationonthenestinpositivecellsoftheadulthumansubventriclezone(SVZ)GUHuaiyu,WangShuxing,YaoZhibin.BrainResearchBranch,SunYat-senUni ersityofMedicalSciences,GuangzhouSl0089China【Abstract】ObjectiveToinvestigatethe...
Nestin is a member of the intermediate filament family, which is expressed in a variety of stem or progenitor cells as well as in several types of malignancies. Nestin might be involved in tissue homeostasis or repair, but its expression has also been associated with processes that lead to a...
This could be due to the presence of pluripotent cells residing in the pancreas. Recently the intermediate filament protein nestin has been identified to be a marker for a multipotent stem cell in the central nervous system. Given the similarity between the pancreatic islets and neuronal cells, ...
Meanwhile, overexpression of DMP1 in Nestin+ cells had no influence on osteoclast activity. These data indicate that DMP1 plays negative roles in differentiation of Nestin+ cells and bone formation. Introduction DMP1 is a highly phosphorylated, acidic non-collagenous protein that is rich in ...
TheexpressionofSOX2Nestinpositivecellsinsubfornicalorganofdiabeticrat TangWeidong,LiCaige,YeJianYa,HaoQingmao,QinYong,LiLi,MaChangsheng (HebeiMedicalUniversity:1.XishanCampus,2.DepartmentofEndoerinolog,SecondHospital,3.MedicalInstitute BasedNeuralBiologyLaboratory,Shijiazhuang050000,China) ...
由于nestin在神经细胞和胶质细胞及它们的前体细胞中都有表达,并且nestin在发育的大脑和受损伤的大脑和脊髓中都有表达,因此nestin被广泛用作神经干细胞(neural stem cells)或神经祖细胞(neural progenitor cells)的分子标记。Nestin在胶质瘤(glioma),神经母细胞瘤(neuroblastomas)等不同的神经系统肿瘤细胞中被发现,因此nestin...
Nestin-positive Cells in Adult Pancreas Express Amylase and Endocrine Precursor Cells The neural precursor cell-specific marker nestin is expressed in fetal and adult pancreas, but its role is not fully understood. Using nestin-enhanced gree... H Ueno,Y Yamada,R Watanabe,... - 《Pancreas》 被...