import { Controller, Get, Query, Post, Body, Put, Param, Delete } from '@nestjs/common';import { CreateCatDto, UpdateCatDto, ListAllEntities } from './dto';@Controller('cats')export class CatsController {@Post()create(@Body() createCatDto: CreateCatDto) {return 'This action adds a...
// nanjiu.controller.ts @Get() findAll(@Param() params, @Query() query) { console.log('find', params, query) // 日志 return this.nanjiuService.findAll(); } 然后在请求时带上一些参数: 此时我们再来看看后端打印的日志: 这里就能看到前端请求传过来的Query参数为city: shanghai 这些开箱即用...
.Query(rq => rq .Term(f => f.Name, "") ) ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. As always *Async You can also delete by query over all the indices and types: client.DeleteByQuery<ElasticSearchProject>(q => q .AllIndices() .Query(rq => rq .Term(f => f...
Nest有4种定义参数的装饰器@Body() @Param() @Query() @HostParam() ,与Express的机制一样,见下表: 举一个简单的例子,我们修改一下app.controller: // 参数测试 @Get() getHello(@Query() q): string {this.logger.log(q);return this.appService.getHello(); }复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. curl -...
Consider the case when ValidationPipe({ transform: true }) is used & query is defined with just typescript type like @Query("foo") foo: string. Now if nested query parameter is passed the value become object in runtime. Example GET /users?foo[bar]=value getSomething(@Query("foo") foo...
{ protocol: null, slashes: null, auth: null, host: null, port: null ,主机名:null,哈希:null,搜索:null,查询:null,路径名:’/hello-world’,路径:’/hello-world’,href:’/hello-world’,_raw:’/hello- world’ }, params: {}, query: {}, res: [Circular], body: {}, route: Route {...
() params) { return this.articleService.delete(params.slug); } @ApiOperation({ summary: "Create comment" }) @ApiResponse({ status: 201, description: "The comment has been successfully created.", }) @ApiResponse({ status: 403, description: "Forbidden." }) @Post(":slug/comments") ...
@Param(key?:string)req.params/req.params[key]@Body(key?:string)req.body/req.body[key]@Query(key?:string)req.query/req.query[key]@Headers(name?:string)req.headers/req.headers[name] 示例 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Controller('posts')exportclassPostsController{constructor(privatereadonly postsServ...
你这时候就要引用@Query()修饰器 @Get('list:id/:google') async list(@Param() params,@Query() query) { return { query}; } 此时你获取到的参数就是 { google : '谷歌' } 作者:傻梦兽链接: 点击查看更多内容 发表于 2018.10.17 21:06, 共4198 人...
console.log('find', params, query) // 日志 return this.nanjiuService.findAll(); } 然后在请求时带上一些参数: 此时我们再来看看后端打印的日志: 这里就能看到前端请求传过来的Query参数为city: shanghai 这些开箱即用的装饰器有以下这些: @Request(), @Req()req ...