A popular scene representa- tion used by NeRFs is to combine a uniform, voxel-based subdivision of the scene with an MLP. Based on the observation that a (sparse) point cloud of the scene is often available, this paper proposes to use an adaptive representation based on tetrahedra and a ...
overall scene. Each voxel in the scene is determined by referencing the fused point cloud to establish its density and appearance. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperformsstate-of-the-artbaselines. 利用稀疏输入视图进行新视角合成对于增强现实(AR)/虚拟现实(VR)和自动驾驶等实际应用非常...
\boldsymbol{C}(a\rightarrow b)& =\int_a^b\mathcal{T}(a\to t)\cdot\sigma(t)\cdot\mathbf{c}(t)dt \ &\approx \sigma(i) \cdot \mathbf{c}(i) \int_a^b\mathcal{T}(a\to t)dt \ &=\sigma(i) \cdot \mathbf{c}(i) \int_ab\exp\left(-\int_at\sigma(x)dx\right)dt \...
对于原始的体渲染公式的推理,涉及一些物理学原理,这里,我们直接不加证明地给出公式,这个公式几乎在所有关于NeRF的解释中都可以看见。 C(0→∞)=∫0∞T(0→t)⋅σ(t)⋅c(t)dt C(0 \to \infty) = \int_{0}^{\infty } T(0 \to t)\cdot \sigma(t) \cdot c(t) \,dtC(0→∞)=∫0∞...
从源图像 (Source Image) 及源姿态 (Source Pose)中学到场景的先验知识Scene Representation,其中 Scene Representation 可以是点云 (Point Cloud),体素 (Voxel) 或者神经网络函数(Implicit Function)。NeRF用MLP 学习Scene Representation,输入源图像对应的三维空间坐标和视角(笛卡尔坐标系内与z轴夹角、与x轴夹角) (x...
Mesh和Point cloud都是显示表面。 1.3 Radiance Field(Implicit Surfaces) Radiance Fields(辐射场)是一种用于描述三维场景中光照和颜色的方法。Radiance Fields通常被用于图形学和计算机视觉领域,以捕捉场景中的光照效果、颜色和阴影等细节。 我们可以把辐射场看成一个函数。它接受一个向量$(x,y,z,\theta,\phi )$...
Mesh和Point cloud都是显示表面。 1.3 Radiance Field(Implicit Surfaces) Radiance Fields(辐射场)是一种用于描述三维场景中光照和颜色的方法。Radiance Fields通常被用于图形学和计算机视觉领域,以捕捉场景中的光照效果、颜色和阴影等细节。我们可以把辐射场看成一个函数。它接受一个向量$(x,y,z,\theta,\phi )$作...
Mesh和Point cloud都是显示表面。 1.3 Radiance Field(Implicit Surfaces) Radiance Fields(辐射场)是一种用于描述三维场景中光照和颜色的方法。Radiance Fields通常被用于图形学和计算机视觉领域,以捕捉场景中的光照效果、颜色和阴影等细节。 我们可以把辐射场看成一个函数。它接受一个向量 ...
While existing diffusion-based methods operate on images, latent codes, or point cloud data, we are the first to directly generate volumetric radiance fields. To this end, we propose a 3D denoising model which directly operates on an explicit voxel grid representation. However, as radiance fields...
▲ Our method works by filtering the samples along the ray that lie outside of the surface region, approximated by a trainable sphere cloud. Such filtering improves the sample efficiency in the optimization process and allows the implicit function to converge to a better optimum. ...