注意没有 .lua 扩展名。类似地,加载 other_modules/anothermodule.lua 的过程如下:require('other_modules.anothermodule') -- or require('other_modules/anothermodule') 路径分隔符可以用点 . 表示,也可以用斜杠 / 表示。文件夹如果包含 init.lua 文件,可以直接引用该文件夹而不必指定该文件的名称require('...
:luafile和:source非常相似: :luafile ~/foo/bar/baz/myluafile.lua :luafile % :source ~/foo/bar/baz/myluafile.lua :source % :source还支持范围,该范围仅适用于执行脚本的一部分: :1,10source :runtime有点不同:它使用'runtimepath'选项来确定源文件。详见:help :runtime。 See also: :help...
GitHub - glepnir/nvim-lua-guide-zh: https://github.com/nanotee/nvim-lua-guide chinese versiongithub.com/glepnir/nvim-lua-guide-zh nvim将从.config/nvim/init.lua文件中加载配置。 执行nvim命令进入nvim,使用以下命令查看runtimepath变量的值: set runtimepath nvim可以在init.lua中递归式的使...
首先讲一下Lua中的require函数,参考glepnir/nvim-lua-guide-zh: https://github.com/nanotee/nvim-lua-guide chinese version。 require函数用于加载模块,在runtimepath中搜索lua/文件夹下面的模块,最终找到该模块下面的init.lua文件。 先看看runtimepath是什么? 在Neovim 中输入以下命令: :lua print(vim.inspe...
Learning Lua If you are not already familiar with the language, there are plenty of resources to get started: The Learn X in Y minutes page about Lua should give you a quick overview of the basics This guide is also a good resource for getting started quickly If videos are more to your...
neovim 中配置可以通过 init.vim 或者 init.lua 进行配置,当前大部分的配置都采用了 lua,本文也将会通过 lua 进行配置 nvim。如果你还不会使用 lua 也不许需要担心,lua 可以快速上手。你可以直接通过:h lua-guide进行查看 lua 教程。 init.lua 在mac/linux 中,该配置文件位于~/.config/nvim/目录下,而在...
创建init.lua为neovim的主配置文件,plugin.vim为插件配置文件; 关于neovim的配置文件的目录结构可以参考lua的中文手册,有条件的可以看github,打不开的话可以看我gitee同步过来的手册:https://gitee.com/teachtea/nvim-lua-guide-zh image-20211106210011416
nanotee/nvim-lua-guide : Getting started using Lua in Neovim, use this guide nanotee/zoxide.vim : Vim wrapper for zoxide ncm2/float-preview.nvim : Completion preview window based on neovim's floating window neovim/node-client : node client for neovim nfrid/treesitter-utils : some ts ...
Try executing the command:lua print("Hello, world!"). The output should be rendered at the bottom of your screen. Again, you didn’t need to install Lua yourself in order to execute this code. The just-in-time compiler (LuaJIT) comes bundled with this version of Neovim, so as long ...
Neovim is a highly customizable, modernized fork of Vim, designed to improve the extensibility and user experience of the classic text editor. It introduces features like asynchronous plugins, a built-in terminal emulator, and Lua scripting capabilities, making it a powerful tool for developers and...