plugins/luasnip: migrate to mkNeovimPlugin #2656 Open khaneliman reviewed Dec 14, 2024 View reviewed changes plugins/by-name/nix-develop/default.nix Outdated Show resolved plugins/nix-develop: migrate to mkNeovimPlugin bfb08c1 HeitorAugustoLN force-pushed the nix-develop-migrate branch fro...
nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim - This is a plugin/library for generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client. RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils - Better defaults for nvim-lsp actions. nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim - A light-weight LSP plugin based on Neovim's built-in LSP with a highly perfo...
autoload/: Vim 模块 doc/: 文档 after/: 与当前目录相同的目录结构,例如 after/plugin ,但加载会被延迟以确保不会被覆盖。 作为一个输入法插件,我们只需要在 lua/ 中放置一个 lua 模块。然后让用户在配置中导入即可: vim.keymap.set('i','<C-^>',require('rime.nvim').toggle) rime.nvim实际上是lu...
Lightweight & performant ui plugin withNvChad UIIt provides statusline modules, tabufline ( tabs + buffer manager) , beautiful cheatsheets, NvChad updater, hide & unhide terminal buffers, theme switcher and much more! File navigation withnvim-tree.lua ...
Large open-source projects are often backed up by a community of developers that support and develop the project together. This has not been the case for vim in recent years. For a long period of time, developers from all around the world have contributed to Vim. But now Bram Moolenaar ...
Develop inside docker containers, just like VSCode remote-development lazydev.nvim 900 4 created 8 months ago / updated yesterday Faster LuaLS setup for Neovim neovim-lua-development codeium.nvim 896 80 created 2 years ago / updated 19 days ago A native neovim extension for Co...
Install the plugin using your preferred package manager. 💤 lazy.nvim return { "wojciech-kulik/xcodebuild.nvim", dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua", -- (optional) to manage project files "stevearc/oil.nvim", -- (...
❔ ❔ plugins/by-name/nix-develop/default.nix #2653 ❔ ❔ ⚠ plugins/by-name/none-ls/_mk-source-plugin.nix ❔ ❔ plugins/by-name/none-ls/packages.nix #1724 ❔ ❔ plugins/by-name/none-ls/prettier.nix ❔ ❔ plugins/by-name/none-ls/prettierd.nix ❔ ❔ plugin...
Develop Blender add-ons with Neovim.FeaturesRun your add-on in Blender directly from Neovim Refresh your add-on with a single Neovim command Watch your add-on directory for changes and automatically reload Project-specific configuration with profiles and .nvim.lua files Debug your add-on with ...
There are lots of amazing plugins, I used following plugin a lots Plug -> Dein -> Lua-Packer -> lazy.nvim I followed Glepnir dotfiles when I start this repo. A.T.M. nvim-cmp as a completion engine with LSP, LSP saga. vim-multi-cursor, telescope...