First, Neoliberalism in practice is not at all about expanding free markets.There are few, if any, free markets under Neoliberal capitalism.The fiction is created by Neoliberalism as Idea writers is that, just because industry is deregulated and public goods privatized, deregulation is equivalent to...
This is a guest post bySarah Keenan, who is a Lecturer in Law at Birkbeck, University of London. Keenan is the author ofSubversive Property: Law and the Production of Spaces of Belonging, as well as numerous articles in the fields of property law, critical race theory, gender and sexuality...
Neoliberalism is characterized by policies of adjustment and economic liberalization that are applied with certain variations in Latin American countries. These policies consider economic growth - and not the fulfillment of men and women in harmony with creation- as the economy‘s reason for being. Th...
Performance measurement: Managerialism is characterized by a focus on metrics, benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics often prioritise quantifiable outputs, such as numbers of publication or graduation rates over the genuine quality of research or education. This leads to a re...
Neoliberalism is political ideology based on the concept of the market, which is deemed as a spontaneous and generally beneficial social order. Neoliberalism is further characterized by strict interpretation of individual rights (and property rights in particular) and by refusal of state intervention in...
Neoliberalism, on the other hand, is characterized by a more limited and focused approach and deals with specific policies that help the market operate efficiently. Characteristics of Neoliberalism 1. Privatization Privatization includes selling all state-owned entities and businesses to the private sector...
new forms of accumulation by dispossession such as the privatization of the commons and the rise in power of finance capital at both the national and international level. Neoliberalism at its heartis a response by the ruling class to contain and ultimately reverse gains by the left and popular ...
More than biotechnology per se is at stake: conflict over biotechnology has become a flashpoint of resistance to globalized governance under US hegemony. Section 2 of this article critiques the arguments employed in these debates by those who advocate biotechnology as the key to global food security...
Nowadays, we witness how this liberal consensus is be-ing challenged by a wave of far-right leaders and political movements around theworld, which has led to the question of how to conceptualize the connections be-tween neoliberalism, as the latter phase of the capitalist mode of accumulation,...
subordination By DAVID HARVEY is a of eco theory political nomic that human Neoliberalism practices proposing can best be advanced the maxi well-being by mization of freedoms within an entrepreneurial institutional framework characterized by pri vate individual unen property rights, liberty, cumbered mar...