Every Gen Xer loves The Goonies, because we really wanted to believe there was some treasure or redemption or some kind of meaning in our abandonment— Parasocial Momma (@_Shan_Martinez_) June 21, 2021 Adjunct hell: the rise of the new campus novel. Generational politics is a socialism of...
The current transformation of capitalism is merely one thread in the tangle of interacting megatrends that I have described (amongst other places, inDziennik Gazeta Prawna) as the‘New Middle Ages’. All in all there are seven megatrends: apart from the feudalization of capitalism (a) we have...
Where this opposition has become quite pronounced is on the island of Samar, an island that has derived its name from the Samareño word samad meaning "wound" ([4], p. i). This name is fitting because "Samar" is well known as one of the poorest parts of the Philippines; it "is ...
I believe that this is another advantage of understanding that Keynesianism fell apart because of its own contradictions, different from other arguments, it helps up to look into the future by looking at the part, meaning that we can find solutions. However, this is further complicated by the...
Where this opposition has become quite pronounced is on the island of Samar, an island that has derived its name from the Samareño word samad meaning “wound” ([4], p. i). This name is fitting because “Samar” is well known as one of the poorest parts of the Philippines; it “...