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Simulated results are also compared with the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) theory, and it is found that the JMAK model can describe the transformation kinetics at the initial stage well; however, in the subsequent evolution process, the JMAK model will overestimate the transformation due ...
负折射材料 negative refractive index metamaterials 下载积分: 900 内容提示: In 2000, an artificially structured composite was shown to exhibita negative index of refraction over a band of microwavefrequencies1. This demonstration of a previously unexploitedelectromagnetic (EM) property proved the ...
MetamaterialsNegative Refractive IndexLeft Handed MaterialScattering ParametersMetamaterial structure based on split ring resonators (SRR) is proposed in order to produce a negative refractive index. For this structure we have used a new approach, instead of applying light perpendicularly incident. We ...
Numerical simulations of wedgeand triangle-shaped metamaterials are used to prove the negative refractive index of the models. The fabricated MTMs exhibit passband characteristics which are in good agreement with the model results. The parametric studies of correlated factors further support these ...
ranges.6–8However,the ul-timate goal,a negative refractive index,was not achieved in those experiments.In parallel with progress for metal–dielectric metamaterials,two ex-perimental demonstrations of negative refraction in the near IR range have been made in GaAs-based photonic crystals9and in ...
Negativeindexofrefractioninopticalmetamaterials 系统标签: metamaterialsnegativeindexopticalrefractionrefractive Negativeindexofrefractioninoptical metamaterials VladimirM.Shalaev,WenshanCai,UdayK.Chettiar,Hsiao-KuanYuan,AndreyK.Sarychev, VladimirP.Drachev,andAlexanderV.Kildishev SchoolofElectricalandComputerEngineering,...
Metamaterials are artificially engineered structures that have properties, such as a negative refractive index1,2,3,4, not attainable with naturally occurring materials. Negative-index metamaterials (NIMs) were first demonstrated for microwave frequencies5,6, but it has been challenging to design NIMs ...
These artificially structured composites, known as metamaterials, have the potential to fill critical voids in the electromagnetic spectrum where material response is limited and enable the construction of novel devices. Recently, metamaterials that display negative refractive index – a property not found...
Negative refractive index at optical wavelengths: metamaterials are designed to have structures that provide optical properties not found in nature. If their capacity can be extended, new kinds of devices for imaging and control of light will be possible.(PHYSICS)...