网络释义 1. 负折射率 这些材料带有这种所谓的负折射率(negative index of refraction),特别有前途,可制作超级透镜、夜视隐身斗篷和复杂的电 …|基于5个网页 2. 负折射指数 ...ative permeability) [3],负折射指数(negative index of refraction) [4], 以及双 曲型色散关系 (hyperboli...
Instead, evanescent modes at the image point are produced by a duplicated source and thus no imaging of the near field takes place.doi:10.48550/arXiv.0912.2649L. BergaminphysicsBergamin L,Favaro A.Negative index of refraction, perfect lenses and transformation optics-some words of caution. 2010...
ray tracing with negative index and aberrationssuper‐resolution with slab lensevanescent wave amplificationnegative refraction with metamaterialsVeselago slab lens and Pendry perfect lensIntroductionOptics of Propagating Waves with Negative IndexSuper-resolution with the Slab LensNegative Refraction with ...
metamaterialsnegativeindexopticalrefractionrefractive NegativeindexofrefractioninopticalmetamaterialsVladimirM.Shalaev,WenshanCai,UdayK.Chettiar,Hsiao-KuanYuan,AndreyK.Sarychev,VladimirP.Drachev,andAlexanderV.KildishevSchoolofElectricalandComputerEngineering,PurdueUniversity,WestLafayette,Indiana47907ReceivedSeptember13,2005...
Negative index of refraction in optical metamaterials Vladimir M.Shalaev,Wenshan Cai,Uday K.Chettiar,Hsiao-Kuan Yuan,Andrey K.Sarychev,Vladimir P.Drachev,and Alexander V.Kildishev School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Purdue University,West Lafayette,Indiana47907 Received September13,2005;accepted...
refractive index/ negative index of refractionexperimental scattering datamicrowave frequenciesstructured metamaterialtwo-dimensional arrayWe present experimental scattering data at microwave frequencies on a structured metamaterial that exhibits a frequency band where the effective index of refraction (...
However, there are no known natural materials that exhibit a negative index of refraction. In large part, interest in these materials is due to speculation that they could be used as perfect lenses with superresolution. We propose a new way of achieving negative refraction with currently ...
refractionindexnegativeexperimentalverificationregueiro dence,T*increasingwithdecreasingT c ,is theexpectedoneforsuchapseudogap.But thevaluesofT*aredifferentforthetwo samples.Otherprocesses,suchaslocaliza- tionbydefects,mostlikelyareinplay,be- causeinunderdopedcupratesthevalueofthe characteristicenergyT*doesnotch...
2. 负折射系数 ...optics)、奈米雷射(nano-LASER)与负折射系数(negative refraction index)等,无不引起了极大的注目和回响。|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,负折射率,负折射系数 更多例句筛选 1. Transmission Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave at the Interface of Positive and Negative Ref...
负折射材料 negative refractive index metamaterials 下载积分:900 内容提示: In 2000, an artificially structured composite was shown to exhibita negative index of refraction over a band of microwavefrequencies1. This demonstration of a previously unexploitedelectromagnetic (EM) property proved the importance...