In this process, two adverse effects of EdTech on young children’s learning achievement are identified: the negative effect and the gap-widening effect. These findings convey the crucial message that the education community’s approaches to EdTech should be more prudent than the current optimistic...
Economic Contraction | Definition, Business Cycle & Impact Supply Shock: Definition & Examples Business Cycles: Types & Characteristics Economic Boom Definition, Causes & Effects Outputs in Economics | Definition & Potential Output Business Cycle Indicators | Definition & Types 1990s Recession | Causes ...
but the price of consumption does not include the externalities. This exclusion creates a gap between the gain or loss of private individuals and the aggregategainor loss of society as a whole.
In this study, we close this gap by systematically reviewing individual findings in a thematic synthesis of the underlying literature (Boyatzis 1998; Guest et al. 2012) connecting them explicitly to the quantitative ensemble evidence. We argue that such synthesis that systematically connects qualitative...
Six parameters that could affect the LCC are explored in the sensitivity analysis: costs of different weeding options, costs of forest thinning, the amount of thinned woods left in field, costs of product harvesting, the amount of output produced and discount rate. As in the LCA sensitivity ana...
A number of economists have suggested that, using calculations based on variations of the Taylor rule (a rule that makes the official policy rate an increasing function of the output gap and of the excess of actual or expected inflation over target inflation) and ignoring the zero lower bound,...
Misallocation, Economic Growth, and Input-Output Economics (No. w16742); National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2011. [Google Scholar] Xu, Z.; Huang, J.; Jiang, F. Subsidy competition, industrial land price distortions and overinvestment: Empirical evidence from China’s ...