The criteria for a Negative Exposure Assessment under the OSHA asbestos standard are met, providing that the procedures and controls, including clean-up, described herein are employed by workers properly trained in their use. These procedures are shown to be the equivalent of the Resilient Floor ...
Assesses the prevalence and sociodemographic and behavioral correlates of anal sex in a cohort of HIV-seronegative women in the United States at high risk of HIV exposure. Risk-assessment using audio computer-assisted self-interview; Prevalence, frequency and correlates of anal sex; Risk among women...
62 If the associations reported here can be reproduced in future independent studies, works to identify the underlying mechanisms and effects of long term, but low-dose acrylamide exposure to health outcomes in human are extremely necessary. In conclusion, here we present the first report ...
(2021). Survey of the health of urban residents: A community-driven assessment of conditions salient to the health of historically excluded populations in the USA. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 8, 953–972. Article PubMed Google Scholar Bateson, K., McManus, M., & ...
Therefore, it is imperative to clarify the effect of self-esteem on depression among juvenile delinquents who tend to have a relatively high ratio of exposure to negative life events. Even there are so many studies on the association between self-esteem and depression, but few lays their ...
Additionally, exposure to faith and religious practices have also been documented to influence self-control (Marcus and McCullough, 2021; McCullough and Willoughby, 2009). Related to religiosity and spirituality, a factor which has been shown to negatively impact mental health is scrupulosity. Scrup...
A prospective cohort study will be conducted in the future to investigate the causal relationships among these fctors. Second, self-report questionnaires were utilized to assess youths’ negative life events and borderline traits, which may have introduced recall bias....
IPCC.Climate Change 2022. Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2022). Minx, J. C. et al. Negative emissions - Part 1: Research landscape and synthesis.Environ. Res. Lett.13, 063001 (2018...
Longitudinal studies have found that trait rumination (of which brooding is a maladaptive subtype) and trait worry predict the onset of PTSD symptoms after exposure to a traumatic event30. Stress not only has an impact on the brain, but also has an effect on the body more broadly. To ...
Mothers over the age of 30 years were two times more likely to report a negative experience compared to younger mothers. It is found that older women perceive labour and birth differently than their younger mom counterparts however, their own birth experience does not necessarily translate into ...