The criteria for a Negative Exposure Assessment under the OSHA asbestos standard are met, providing that the procedures and controls, including clean-up, described herein are employed by workers properly trained in their use. These procedures are shown to be the equivalent of the Resilient Floor ...
Radiation exposure in bone mineral density assessment. Applied radiation and isotopes: including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine 1999; 50: 215–236. Google Scholar NHANES 2003–2004 Data Documentation, Codebook, and Frequencies: Dual Energy X-ray ...
Longitudinal studies have found that trait rumination (of which brooding is a maladaptive subtype) and trait worry predict the onset of PTSD symptoms after exposure to a traumatic event30. Stress not only has an impact on the brain, but also has an effect on the body more broadly. To ...
The exposure was incisional negative pressure therapy, which began in September 2009, versus standard wound dressing used in the previous year. The main outcome was wound complication identified by ICD-9 codes. Demographic and wound outcomes were compared with χ2 and t tests. Stata version 11.0...
7 billion tonnes of alkaline materials are produced globally each year as a product or by-product of industrial activity. The aqueous dissolution of these materials creates high pH solutions that dissolves CO2 to store carbon in the form of solid carbona
The use of a pegylated form of alpha-interferon has recently been reported to reduce the burden of JAK2V617F and restore polyclonal hematopoiesis in patients with PV; this is the first evidence of a therapeutic strategy capable of eliminating the malignant PV clone [34]. The use of alkylating...
is an incidental by-product, not a primary goal in greedy acquisition as found in envy. The destructive quality of greed, however, may be intense; often, a hateful, rapacious demeanor accompanies it. Destruction in the form of ruthless grasping and adamant clinging stems from these rigid tries...
Subjective assessments of comorbidity correlate with quality of life health outcomes: Initial validation of a comorbidity assessment instrument. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2005;3(1):51. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ware JEJ, Kosinski M, Keller SD. A 12-item short-form health survey: ...
Several methods have been proposed to estimate spillover by exploiting variation in non-treated individuals’ exposure to treated individuals [10, 61, 62]. Data on resource availability and utilization would be especially useful in such analyses. In some cases, however, obtaining definitive evidence ...
Since our model does not track individuals in the understory, we selected trees based on their canopy access by calculating the fraction of each tree’s crown area with direct light exposure. We assumed the crowns to be perfect circles centered at the stem location, with crown radius and ...