Both the state and trait forms of the test consist of 132 adjectives. The state form instructs participants to check all the words that apply to how they feel “now-today,” even when some words may seem similar, with the trait form instructing participants to report how they generally ...
Both “不and “not” can negate adjectives and adverbs. The difference is that adjectives negated by “不can function as a predicative in the sentence whereas those by “not” cannot unless the verb “be” is placed before it. For instance, [1] 只有廿年以前,把古久先生的陈年流水簿子踹了...
Respondents are asked to indicate to what extend adjectives such as “upset” or “afraid” apply to them at the moment of filling out the questionnaire. Items are rated on a 5-point scale ranging from “not at all or a bit” to “extremely”. The PANAS-NA is a commonly used measure...
8、From the perspective of information bearing function, nouns, verbs and adjectives will carry most information. They often lead to a new topic, make new comments and draw new conclusion.() A:错 B:对 9、Where does the key information lie in progressive relationship?()A:In the beginning B...
Self-positivity bias. A total of 80 adjectives were selected from 562 personality trait adjectives compiled by Huang et al. [22], with 40 being positive and 40 negative. These words were rated by five psychology postgraduates on their goodness, familiarity, and meaning. The results showed that...