The strength of an organization’s culture is an important property that may have implications for organizational structure, performance, diversity, and inclusion, independent of its content. However, progress on conceptualizing and measuring cultural st
The Stanford NLP parses the text into sentences and performs a more advanced grammatical analysis as opposed to a simpler bag of words model used, e.g., in NLTK. Indeed, Socher et al. argue that such an analysis should outperform the bag of words model on short texts (Socher et al. ...
Maladaptive Daydreaming (MD) is a dysfunctional mental activity characterized by an excessive immersion in fantasy, whose function is being increasingly di
Descriptive analyses were performed to describe the previously mentioned patient characteristics. Since subfertile couples' negative experiences with IUI care are most helpful for signaling care aspects in need of improvement, we calculated the proportion of subfertile couples who used the most negative ...
in other words, \(\tau _+(a)\) is the minkowski gauge function of \({{\mathrm{conv}}}(\mathcal a_+(a))\) , evaluated at a . proof observe that eq. ( 7 ) expresses the fact that \(\tau _+(a)\) is the support function of \({{\mathrm{conv}}}(\mathcal a_+(a))...
To this end, it connects with two concepts from Judith Butler (1990,1993): valuable bodies, and iteration. Butler argues that the impact of stereotypes within discourse is to place less value on some subjects, at the expense of others. This leads to the idea that certain bodies are more ...
4.1Descriptive Statistics Table2shows the descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations. Mean and standard deviations of employees’ overall satisfaction ratings are similar to those of Jing et al. (2019), and mean and standard deviations of personality traits are much like those of Harrison et ...
The selection of input columns and the construction of the final dataset is explained extensively in the “Dataset Construction Section of [36]” and a descriptive table (Table 3) is presented in that study. However, to be more clear about the features which have been used in the scope of...
Meanwhile, it has been shown that MVB-resistance is primarily driven by an increase of blaKPC copy number and by porin loss/mutations [17,54]. Importantly, these resistance mechanisms can be prevented by the drug concentrations achieved with an optimal dosing. In other words, MVB detains a ...
Typical comments were similar to those expressed by Benjamin, a business/marketing lecturer, who observed that with some forms of anxiety "you start to feel emotionally switched off, and you're no longer open to engaging with the material." Social functioning was viewed as being both enhanced ...