·Cable entrance facilities GR-1089-CORE 主要是规范电磁相容性 (EMC) 和安全的要求,包括︰ ·电磁干扰(EMI) ·静电放电 (ESD) ·照明 ·交流电力中断 ·静态能量感应 ·直流电位差 ·电器安全 ·腐蚀 ·连接和接地 其他重要文件首推 GR-78-CORE ,提供了产品设计和制造的指南,非常值得参考,相关资料都可在 ...
常用于NEBS技术标准有如下两份: GR- 63- CORE NEBSTMRequirements: Physical Protection;GR- 1089- CORE Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical;Safety - Generic Criteria for Network Telecommunications Equipment除此之外,还有一些支撑性的重要标准,比如GR- 78- CORE Generic Requirements for the Physical Design...
GR-1089-CORE主要是規範電磁相容性(EMC)和安全的要求,包括︰ •電磁干擾(EMI) •靜電放電(ESD) •照明 •交流電力中斷 •靜態能量感應 •直流電位差 •電器安全 •腐蝕 •連接和接地 其他重要文件首推GR-78-CORE,提供了產品設計和製造的指南,非常值得參考,相關資料都可在Telcordia的官方網站取得。
• The main Bellcore document is GR-63-CORE , Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Requirements: Physical Protection • This document identifies the minimum spatial and environmental criteria used for new telecommunications equipment to be used in an RBOC's CO. • The spatial criteria c...
NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System) is a standard for telephony equipment. NEBS was developed in the 1970's by Bell Labs (now Telcordia). Many equipment vendors build their equipment to NEBS standards, even when they do not intend for their equipment to be placed in a Central Office. ...
·CERTIFICATIONMARKS· NEBS玖证搭接和接地 and oftheNEBSAuthentication BondingGrounding 中兴通讯南京研发中心徐加征 摘要 NEBS认证对设备的搭接和接地要求是为了保障人身安全和设备正常运行,保护设备和配电电路,降低 设备噪声和提高设备可靠性。介绍了NEBS认证中公用搭接网络和独立搭接网络接地系统的定义,以及 GR—CORE一...