The new systems are built to comply with the Level 3 NEBS standard GR-1089-CORE for electromagnetic compatibility and GR-63-CORE for physical protection, which includes seismic Zone 4 compatibility. The certified products are the Intergy Battery Distribution Fuse Bay, with multiple load feeding at...
Fig.2Earthquakesynthesizedwaveform-zone4 NEBS认证是北美国家对通信设备实施的非强制性认 证,对保证电信系统的安全和质量可靠性起到了重要 作用[5],且北美市场广泛认可,成为电信设备进入北美 市场的通行证。GR-63-CORE是NEBS认证所依据 的核心标准之一,该标准强调产品的物理结构和可靠 性,地震测试是GR-63-CORE ...
NEBS requirements (ref GR-63-CORE Issue 3 Section 5.4.2 Zone 4) 0.1 G (0 to peak) 5-100 Hz .1 oct/min ETSI requirements (ref EN 300 019-2-3 V2.2.2 Test spec T3.2) Frequency Range 5Hz to 62Hz limited velocity 5mm/s 62Hz-200 Hz 2m/s2 (ref: 0.204G) DHS see table below...