The NEBridge Golden Gate Assembly Kit (BsmBI-v2) contains an optimized mix of BsmBI-v2 and T4 DNA Ligase. BsmBI-v2 has been engineered by NEB and outperforms BsmBI in Golden Gate Assemblies. Together these enzymes can direct the assembly of multiple inserts/modules and also single insert/...
Learn how to push the limits of your Golden Gate Assembly, and try one of our convenient kits (using BsmBI-v2 or BsaI-HFv2) The efficient and seamless assembly of DNA fragments, commonly referred to as Golden Gate Assembly (1,2), has its origins in 1996, when for the first time it...
NEBridge® Golden Gate Assembly Kit (BsmBI-v2)价格:¥1939/盒产品详情:The NEBridge Golden Gate Assembly Kit (BsmBI-v2) contains an optimized mix of BsmBI-v2 and T4 DNA Ligase. BsmBI-v2 ha... 包装规格:20 reactions 货号:E1602S ...