NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA 文库制备试剂盒中的每种组分都经过了重新优化配制,因此即使低至 500 pg 的 DNA 起始量,文库产量也能提高数倍。这些优化带来了前所未有的性能提升,同时实现了更低的起始量和更少的 PCR 循环数。 文库产量极高,满足更多实验需求 DNA 起始量范围广:500 pg 至 1 µg 的起始量...
What type of and how much starting material do I need to use when preparing libraries with the NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep Kit Can I use the NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep Kit for bisulfite conversion and EMSeq workflows? The ligation reaction is very viscous. What will ...
NEBNext Ultra II 末端修复/加 dA 尾模块经过优化,可对 500 pg – 1 μg 的片段化 DNA 进行修复,并转化为具有 5′ 磷酸化和 3′ 加 dA 尾的 DNA 片段。该模块经过优化,与 NEBNext Ultra II 连接模块(NEB #E7595)联用,是 Ultra II DNA 实验流程的一部分,支持以 500 pg 到 1 µg 的起始 DNA...
咨询热线:4000-520-616TheUltraIIDNALibraryPrepKitforIlluminameetsthechallengeofconstructinghighqualitylibrariesfromever-decreasinginputquantities. Thereagentsforeachstepinthelibrarypreparationworkflowhavebeenreformulatedtoenablehighyieldpreparationofhighqualitylibrariesfrom500picogramsto1microgramofinputDNA. Thisnewgeneration...
beads are not included in this kit. If beads are required, we recommend ordering the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep with Sample Purification Beads (NEB #E7103) Even more from less, for DNA Are you challenged with trying to obtain higher library yields using ever-decreasing input amounts...
NEBNext UltraExpress® FS DNA Library Prep Kit NEBNext UltraExpress™ 超快速 FS DNA 文库制备试剂盒是最新一代的 NEBNext DNA 文库制备产品,具有快速、精简的实验流程,仅需一管酶混合物即可完成酶法片段化、末端修复和加 dA 尾。针对不同的起始量,2 小时内皆可制备出高产量、高质量文库,同时减少耗材消...
The Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina meets the challenge of constructing high quality libraries from ever-decreasing input quantities.The reagents for each step in the library preparation workflow have been reformulated to enable high yield preparation of high quality libraries from 500 pico...
NEBNext Ultra II DNA 文库制备试剂盒能够用更低起始量的 DNA 构建高质量的文库。 NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit for产品信息 特性 更高的文库产量,满足更多实验所需 即使是起始量极低的样本,依然可以制备高质量文库,ZUIDI起始量可低至 500 pg ...
The New England Biolabs NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Preparation Kit for Illumina (Catalog Number E7645) provides users with the ability to construct high quality indexed DNASeq libraries from inputs ranging from 500 ...
The NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA PCR-free Library Prep Kit contains the enzymes and buffers required to convert a broad range of intact DNA input amounts into libraries for next-generation sequencing on the Illumina platform, all without an amplification step. The fast, user-friendly workflow include...