Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep with Sample Purification Beads delivers significantly increased sensitivity and specificity from your RNA-seq experiments, from ever-decreasing amounts of input RNA. In conjunction with ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion or p...
NEBNext® Ultra™ II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina®NEBNext® Ultra™ II RNA 链特异性文库制备试剂盒 与NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA 磁性分离模块(NEB #E7490)联合使用时,现在可使用 Express 实验流程,从而节省大量时间并简化实验流程。 请注意,本试剂盒未附带纯化磁珠。如需要磁珠,我们推...
作为NEBNext RNA 链特异性文库制备流程的一部分,NEBNext® Ultra™ II RNA 链特异性第二链合成模块经过优化,可从 cDNA 第一链合成双链 cDNA。此流程使用本模块中包含的带 dUTP 混合液的 NEBNext 第二链合成反应缓冲液,借助“dUTP”方法,将尿嘧啶添加到 cDNA 第二链来实现链特异性建库。 NEBNext Ultra II...
NEBNext Ultra II RNA 第一链合成模块经过优化,可使用随机引物将一系列不同起始量的 RNA 反转录为 cDNA。 该模块经过优化,可用于 NEBNext Ultra II RNA 链特异性第二链合成模块(NEB #E7550)或 NEBNext Ultra II RNA 非链特异性第二链合成模块(NEB #E6111),并且是 Ultra II RNA 链特异性或非链特异性实...
A nucleic acid assembly/cloning/editing kit, supplied by New England Biolabs, cited in 496 publications. Reactivity includes Mouse and Human.Supplier New England Biolabs Kit Type Nucleic acid assembly/cloning/editing View Product On Supplier's Website ...
NEBNext® Ultra™II RNA 文库制备试剂盒 NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina 详细描述: NEBNext Ultra II RNA 文库制备试剂盒能够用更低起始量的 RNA 构建高质量的文库。文库制备每一个步骤中的试剂都经过优化,。新一代的 NEBNext 试剂采用了快速、流程化、自动化的工作流程,在降低 PCR...
DNA Library Prep for Illumina, RNA Library Prep for Illumina, 二代测序文库制备产品 产品组分信息 本产品提供以下试剂或组分: NEB #名称组分货号储存温度数量浓度 E7546S -20 NEBNext® Ultra II End Prep Enzyme Mix E7646AVIAL -20 1 x 0.072 ml Not Applicable NEBNext® Ultra II End Prep ...
RNA samples with a concentration of 0.5-6 ng and a RIN value of more than 8 were used for ribosomal RNA depletion utilizing a NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit (E6310, New England Biolabs) and followed by library construction using using the NEB Ultra™ II Direction...
Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg) 2. RNA 逆转录系列7.5折 可靠逆转录的典范! 产品名称货号规格目录价(元)促销价(元) LunaScript RT SuperMix KitE3010L100 rxns¥3,779¥2,834 E3010S25 rxns¥1,219¥914 ProtoScript II Reverse TranscriptaseM0368X40,000 units¥5,069¥3,802 ...
"The RNA integrity and quality were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis and Nanodrop 2000 nucleic acid and protein detector (Thermo Fisher, MA). .. RNA sequencing libraries were constructed for paired-end sequencing according to the instructions of NEB Next Ultra Directional...