Phusion®High-Fidelity DNA PolymeraseM0530SVIAL-201 x 0.05 ml2,000 units/ml MgCl2solutionB0510AVIAL-201 x 1.5 ml50 mM DMSOB0515AVIAL-201 x 0.5 ml100 % Phusion®HF Buffer PackB0518SVIAL-202 x 1.5 ml5 X Phusion®GC Buffer PackB0519SVIAL-201 x 1.5 ml5 X ...
Phusion®GC 反应缓冲液套装 Phusion®HF 反应缓冲液套装 Phusion®Hot Start Flex DNA Polymerase Phusion®超保真 DNA 聚合酶 Phusion®超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 GC 缓冲液) Phusion®超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 HF 缓冲液) Phusion®热启动 Flex 2X 预混液 ...
An E. coli strain that carries the Phusion DNA Polymerase gene. 产品类别: Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases Products 应用: Gibson Assembly®, Long Range PCR, Fast PCR, High-Fidelity PCR, Multiplex PCR, Specialty PCR, Routine PCR, PCR ...
Does Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase exhibit a strand displacement activity? What are the properties of this polymerase (fidelity, product ends, max amplicon, modified base incorporation, etc.)? How should I determine the appropriate annealing temperature for my reaction? What should the fina...
Phusion 超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 HF 缓冲液)是一种 2X 预混液,由 Phusion DNA 聚合酶、dNTP 和经优化的反应缓冲液组成,且内含 MgCl2。只需添加模板、引物和水,即可建立反应。使用基于 lacI 的方法(改造自 Frey 和 Suppman 在 1995 年提出的方法)进行保真度测定。以...
由 NEB 生产、质量控制的ThermoScientific® Phusion 超保真 DNA 聚合酶兼备高保真度和稳定扩增的性能,适用于所有PCR 应用。其独特的结构包括一个类似 Pyrococcus的酶和一个增强持续合成能力的结构域,二者融合在一起。这种组合提升了聚合反应的保真性和速度。可供选择的剂型包括单酶、预混液和试剂盒。Phusion 热启动...
* Phusion DNA Polymerase was developed by Finnzymes Oy, now a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific. This product is manufactured by New England Biolabs, Inc. under agreement with, and under the performance specifications of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Phusion® is a registered trademark and property of...
Phusion高保真DNA聚合酶买 L 包装赠送 S 包装!货号 产品名称 规格 目录价(元) 促销价(元) 点击购买 M0530L Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 500 units ¥3,699 3144 M0530S Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100 units ¥929 买L包装送S包装 ...
* Phusion DNA Polymerase was developed by Finnzymes Oy, now a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific. This product is manufactured by New England Biolabs, Inc. under agreement with, and under the performance specifications of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Phusion® is a registered trademark and property of...
* Phusion DNA Polymerase was developed by Finnzymes Oy, now a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific. This product is manufactured by New England Biolabs, Inc. under agreement with, and under the performance specifications of Thermo Fisher Scientific. Phusion® is a registered trademark and property of...