Phusion®High-Fidelity DNA PolymeraseM0530SVIAL-201 x 0.05 ml2,000 units/ml MgCl2solutionB0510AVIAL-201 x 1.5 ml50 mM DMSOB0515AVIAL-201 x 0.5 ml100 % Phusion®HF Buffer PackB0518SVIAL-202 x 1.5 ml5 X Phusion®GC Buffer PackB0519SVIAL-201 x 1.5 ml5 X ...
Phusion® GC 反应缓冲液套装 Phusion® HF 反应缓冲液套装 m0530-phusion-high-fidelity-dna-polymerase Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Kit Phusion® 超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 GC 缓冲液) 注意事项 Products specifications for individual components in the Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buff...
An E. coli strain that carries the Phusion DNA Polymerase gene. 产品类别: Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases Products 应用: Gibson Assembly®, Long Range PCR, Fast PCR, High-Fidelity PCR, Multiplex PCR, Specialty PCR, Routine PCR, PCR ...
Phusion 超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 HF 缓冲液)是一种 2X 预混液,由 Phusion DNA 聚合酶、dNTP 和经优化的反应缓冲液组成,且内含 MgCl2。只需添加模板、引物和水,即可建立反应。使用基于 lacI 的方法(改造自 Frey 和 Suppman 在 1995 年提出的方法)进行保真度测定。以...
PCR Protocol Phusion® DNA Polymerase Gibson Assembly® Master Mix – Assembly (E2611) Gibson Assembly® Protocol (E5510) Gibson Assembly® Chemical Transformation Protocol (E5510) Gibson Assembly® Chemical Transformation Protocol (E2611) Gibson Assembly® Electrocompetent Transformation Protocol...
ONETAQ®、Q5®、QUICK-LOAD®、NEB® 和 NEW ENGLAND BIOLABS®是 NEB 公司的注册商标。 LONGAMP™ 和 PMINIT™ 是 NEB 公司的商标。 PHUSION® 是 Thermo Fisher Scientific 的注册商标和资产。 Phusion® DNA 聚合酶由 Finnzymes Oy(现隶属于 Thermo Fisher Scientific)开发。
NEB 在分子生物学试剂的探索和研发方面处于领先地位。限制性内切酶、聚合酶、感受态细胞、NGS 文库制备等。
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Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases Phusion® 超保真 DNA 聚合酶产品 Plasmid Purification Plasmid Purification Products PNGase F Driving your innovation Poly A 1 Poly A 1 Poly A 2 Poly A 2 Polymerase Fidelity: What is it, and what does it mean for your PCR? Primer Monitor: an online...
PCR Kit containing Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, Phusion HF and GC Buffers, deoxynucleotides, MgCl2, DMSO, and DNA size standard.