近期召开的 Build 2018 大会上,微软确认 Nearby Share 功能将会在近期面向 iOS 和 Android 用户开放,可以让两个平台方便的将文件和链接发送给 Windows 10 PC。 Near Share 能够非常方便地在 Windows 10 设备之间进行内容分享。
从技术角度看,Quick Share的成功运行源于其高效的设计和灵活性。用户所需做的,仅仅是在设备上找到需要共享的文件,点击分享,然后选择目标设备。如此简单的步骤,结合上层的强大技术支撑,使得Quick Share的普及度不断提升。 来自AndroidAuthority的报道提到,谷歌工程师在其代码中提到修复了与iOS和macOS设备相关的一个bug,这...
据悉,Windows 10 April 2018 Update里加入了不少新功能,当中值得关注就属Nearby Share功能了,这项类似于苹果AirDrop的功能可以将内容非常方便地发送给附近其他PC。 近期召开的Build 2018大会上,微软确认Nearby Share功能将会在近期面向iOS和Android用户开放,可以让两个平台方便的将文件和...
值得一提的是,借助 Chromium 浏览器这一「黄金载体」,附近分享功能的适用性未来还将进一步扩展到 Mac、Windows、Linux 和 Chrome OS 平台之上,基于 Chromium 内核的浏览器——无论是老牌的 Chrome 还是来自微软的「新贵」Egde,都能直接借助浏览器内置的 Nearby Share 服务实现与手机的文件传输。 Chrome OS 上的附近...
Google has officially launched Nearby Share, its competitor to Apple’s AirDrop, with the official release of Nearby Share for Windows. Google has been working to close the integration gap with iOS. Apple’s iOS has long held the lead when it comes to integrating features and abilities across...
Wait for the transfer to be completed before you disconnect the two phones. Note: You can't transfer apps that are not iOS-compatible! The Closing Thoughts Unfortunately, you cannot utilize Nearby Share from Android to iPhone. Instead, you need more advanced apps like the ones introduced in ...
谷歌正式在安卓推广Nearby Share 经过7月份的测试后,Android上的“附近共享”(Nearby Share)现在已经启动,并且在三星和部分Pixel手机上推广了。谷歌今天还宣布,Chromebooks将在未来几个月推出“附近共享”,ChromeOS是目前唯一被引用的其他平台。 将安卓通知栏向下滑动,就能看到“附近共享”,初次使用时,用户可以设置“设备...
【ITBEAR】近日,科技媒体Android Authority披露,谷歌公司正积极考虑将Quick Share服务扩展至苹果的iOS和macOS平台。这一举措预示着跨平台文件共享即将迎来新的格局。 Quick Share,曾以Nearby Share之名亮相于2020年,是谷歌专为简化安卓设备间文件共享而设计的服务。它依托于Nearby Connections API,实现了点对点的数据快速交...
It turns out Google has something very similar in the works called “Nearby Share”. The feature was initially discovered in the Android 11 developer preview, which hinted that an AirDrop-like feature could be coming to Android devices, but it turns out it could actually be much more than ...
If you're looking for an easy way to share files between your Android and Windows devices using Nearby Sharing, you're in the right place. In this post, we'll walk you through every stage of the procedure step-by-step. So, you can quickly move files across your devices without the us...