Nearby Share: File sharing Nearby Share lets you quickly and easily share various files such as photos, videos, and documents with nearby devices. * Share t…
哪怕是互传联盟,想要给三星、华为、索尼用户快捷传送文件,也是有心无力的,这件事情到最后还是得谷歌去做。 谷歌正式在安卓推广Nearby Share 经过7月份的测试后,Android上的“附近共享”(Nearby Share)现在已经启动,并且在三星和部分Pixel手机上推广了。谷歌今天还宣布,Chromebooks将在未来几个月推出“附近共享”,Chrom...
据悉,Windows 10 April 2018 Update里加入了不少新功能,当中值得关注就属Nearby Share功能了,这项类似于苹果AirDrop的功能可以将内容非常方便地发送给附近其他PC。 近期召开的Build 2018大会上,微软确认Nearby Share功能将会在近期面向iOS和Android用户开放,可以让两个平台方便的将文件和...
谷歌最近的消息引发了广泛讨论:其文件共享服务Quick Share(原名Nearby Share)有望扩展到苹果的iOS和macOS平台。这一消息从根本上意味着苹果用户将首次能够无缝地与安卓设备进行文件传输,这无疑是跨平台用户的一大福音。 Quick Share自2020年首次推出以来,旨在简化安卓设备之间的文件共享流程,使用户能够通过点对点数据交换快...
Tip: connect devices to the same WiFi to share at blazing speeds! What’s New Version History 26 Feb 2022 Version 1.4.0 Sharing never stops, we have increased the maximum number of files to share by up to 30 and 10GB per file
1. Work on different platformsThe Nearby Share and AirDrop apps are created to perform similar tasks in the data transfer domain, but they work on different platforms. However, the Nearby Share app works on Android and Chromebook devices, while AirDrop works on iOS devices....
Airdrop無線傳輸的功能,讓不少非IOS用戶稱羨不已 Nearby Share這項功能,主要可以透過藍芽或是WiFi的方式連結兩台Android裝置。只要在想要分享的照片或資料等按下分享,就會跳出Nearby Share的圖示,並搜尋附近可以接收的對象,接收者也可以選擇要接受或是拒絕他人傳來的檔案。
Part 1: Can You Nearby Share Files From Android to iPhone? No, it's not possible to Nearby Share from Android to iPhone. Although it was created to imitate to AirDrop feature on iPhone, it can only work with Android phones and Chromebooks. Plus, it's compatible with devices running And...
【ITBEAR】近日,科技媒体Android Authority披露,谷歌公司正积极考虑将Quick Share服务扩展至苹果的iOS和macOS平台。这一举措预示着跨平台文件共享即将迎来新的格局。 Quick Share,曾以Nearby Share之名亮相于2020年,是谷歌专为简化安卓设备间文件共享而设计的服务。它依托于Nearby Connections API,实现了点对点的数据快速交...
The company had previously incorporated Android Beam into its Android platform that relied on NFC, but this feature never really took off and was eventually removed, so Nearby Share could be Google’s way of redeeming themselves. Nearby Sharing shows up in #chromebook settings