Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) is a new scanned probe microscopy technique capable of combining high spatial resolution (10–100 nm) and optical contrast. NSOM can be applied to a wide variety of materials, including semiconductors, molecular crystals, polymers and ceramics. The ...
近場光學顯微鏡 near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), 工作方式: 近場光學的基本原理,即是在遠小於光波長的距離下,作光學的量測與觀察,以避免在遠場,也就是量測距離大於光波長時,由於光的波動性質引起的繞射現象所造成的繞射極限的限制。 近場光學顯微鏡的工作方式主要可分為兩種:穿透式與反射式。
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)Near-Field Scanning Optical Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)-high resolution microscopy -all about the tip -100 nm aperture created by e–beam -multiple modes of analysis -image and spectrum -spectral imaging ...
Pilevar et al., “Reflection Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy: an Interferometric Approach,” Ultramicroscopy, 61:233-236, 1995. ;, 61:233-236, 1995.PILEVAR S ET AL: " REFLECTION NEAR-FIELD SCANNING OPTICAL MICROSCOPY: AN INTERFEROMETRIC APPROACH ", ULTRAMICROSCOPY, ELSEVIER, AMSTERDAM, ...
The spatial resolution afforded by near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) is primarily a function of tip size, tip morphology, and tip-sample separation. Combining scanning force microscopy with NSOM allows one to maintain a small tip-sample separation distance and, consequently, improve NSOM...
Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM, NSOMFluorescence microscopyRaman spectroscopyMembrane proteinsOptical near-fields can be employed for a wide range of applications, e.g., light localization, light scattering, and field enhancement. In this chapter the principles of near-field scanning ...
Superresolution optical images have been generated with near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM). The underlying concept is presented and several modes of operation are discussed. A resolution based on edge sharpness of 70 nm or better has been demonstrated with two different instruments. Images...
A new super-resolution method, entitled Near-field Projection Optical Microscopy (NPOM), is presented. This novel technique enables the imaging of nanoscale objects without the need for surface scanning, as is usually required in existing methods such as NSOM (near-field scanning optical microscope...
Superresolution optical images have been generated with near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM). The underlying concept is presented and several modes of operation are discussed. A resolution based on edge sharpness of 70 nm or better has been demonstrated with two different instruments. Images...
Near-field optics has produced the highest optical resolution that has ever been achieved. The methods involved lie at the interface of far-field optical microscopy and scanned probe microscopy. This article describes the principles behind near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) and highlights it...