【长篇巨坑】NDS平..前段时间,听说dsi ware终于破解了,不禁感到很感慨,一直到3DS世代,NDS平台的破解才终于完整。于是很想开个帖子来讲讲nds破解的历程,先前混了很久3DS破解吧,那边早就有了关于3DS的类似的
1) The entire system may well be accessible from the GBA slot - not just GBA games. Which would greatly speed homebrewing as writable GBA cartridges are cheap and plentiful.2) DarkFader is able to work on virtually no sleep and should be commended.If anything happens, I'll post it here...
NDS and DSi compatible flash cards from running NDS roms on N3DS but it only took a couple of days to carck the console and now we are happy to report that Nintendo 3DS has been hacked and there are already a dozen or so R4DS cards that work on the new console in DSi / DS-MODE!
GBA ROMs ( Gameboy Advance Games backuped to PC) are not the only ones that can be played on GBA. Gameboy Advance has such a powerful processor that it is possible to emulate other older consoles and computers using GBA. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities.. There thousands ...
前段时间,听说dsi ware终于破解了,不禁感到很感慨,一直到3DS世代,NDS平台的破解才终于完整。于是很想开个帖子来讲讲nds破解的历程,先前混了很久3DS破解吧,那边早就有了关于3DS的类似的帖子,但NDS平台却一直缺这么个帖子。如果对于GBA烧录卡硬件上不是很了解的话,本文的大半内容估计都是看不懂的。看完这篇文章有...