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Anyway, they probably only did DS on Wii U because someone at Nintendo thought people would be overjoyed to play handheld games on the big screen with the gamepad working as the second screen...without realizing that the ONLY reason why DS's dualscreen setup was usable was because they...
With PS Vita SONY chose to introduce 2 new proprietary flash memory cards. A 2GB to 32GB Vita Memory Card somewhat similar to Memory Stick Micro (M2). Vita MC can me used to hold downloaded games, video, music and pretty much everything else you can use on the PSV + there is a slot...
The DS was a huge success, and the PSP sold more than the 3ds even. But as you can see the market has shrunk because casuals have left for phones. Sony would never beat Nintendo at a handheld, and with a shrinking market it made little sense to continue. 1 Reply 57...