J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2023-08-03 74839-0001 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2022-03-22 74839-0010 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later than 2020-09-24 74839-0090 Hand Sanitizer A. J. & W. Incorporated YES No later ...
Table 7 Unit: mm NDC1N a P Q1 Q S Φ f b P1 X1 M H c L G G1 Φ1 J Z Y 500V≤ >500V 780 704 160 192 192 60 M12 201 970 81-101 400-438 202 255 265 240 - 10.5 180 91 133 20 30 Note: f is the necessary distance for coil replacement. X1 is the Min. clearance...
2023年3月30日上午,于都县银坑镇钟火明书记一行莅临我会指导工作。商会陈景红会长,肖忆华名誉会长,刘中平执行会长热情接待。 在陈景红会长的介绍下,钟火明书记一行参观了商会文化墙、党建文化墙、商会荣誉墙及办公场所。 大家现场观看了东莞市江西于都商会第五届宣...