Nd:YAG (1064) laser for the treatment of chronic periodontitis; a pilot study. J Investig Clin Dent 2010;1(1):16-22Jensen J, Lulic M, Heitz-Mayfield LJA, et al. Nd: YAG (1 064 nm) laser for the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a pilot study[J]. J Investig Clin Dent, 2010,...
眼科Nd:YAG倍频激光治疗仪是一种常用于眼科疾病治疗的医疗设备。它利用Nd:YAG激光技术,通过倍频晶体将1064nm的激光转换为532nm的绿光,用于眼科疾病的治疗。该产品具有以下特点:1. 高效治疗:Nd:YAG倍频激光具有较高的能量密度和较短的脉冲宽度,能够快速而精确地治疗眼部疾病,如青光眼、玻璃体浑浊等。2. 安全可靠:该...
如595 nm脉冲染料激光联合1064 nm Nd: YAG激光,不仅可以改善PAE患者的病情,还可使患者毛孔变小、油脂分泌减少。 [1] Ibrahim SM,Farag A,Hegazy R,et al. Combined Low Dose Isotretinoin and Pulsed Dye Laser Versus standard-Dose Isotretinoin in the Treatment of Inflammatory Acne[J]. Lasers Surg Med,...
此外,该研究结果还发现,黄褐斑治疗后的色素沉着/白皮病与激光治疗次数呈正相关关系。未来的研究需要探究减少这种不良事件的最佳治疗方案。 原始出处:Jessica Cervantes, et al., Efficacy and Safety of Low Fluence Nd:YAG Laser Treatment ...
原文标题:Clinical effectiveness of low-fluence 585 nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment on persistent facial erythema after adult type acne treatment: A Preliminary Study 作者:Jiehoon Kim, MD, Pok Kee Min, MD, PhD and Boncheol Leo Goo, MD ...
原始出处: Hoon, Hur; Jin Ok, Baek; Jae Seong, Joo;The treatment of infantile giant café au lait spot using golden parameter therapy with a high fluence 1064-nm Q-switched Nd: YAG laser.J Dermatolog Treat 2024 D...
Nd Yag laser treatment for subhyaloid hemorrhage(Phase Ⅵ of APAO Grand Rounds Around the World) Time: March 6, 2014 Speaker: Helena Sin, Prince of Wales Hospital Topic: Nd: Yag laser treatment for subhyaloid hemorrhage Event: Phase Ⅵ of APAO Grand Rounds Around the World...
本文就Nd: YAG激光和Er: YAG激光在牙体牙髓病治疗中的应用进行阐述,以期为临床治疗方案选择提供参考。 Abstract With the gradual maturity of laser technology, it has become widely considered a new method for disease treatment. Nd:YAG laser and Er:YAG laser are two representative solid-state lasers....
rejuvi tatoo removal price nd:yag laser treatment picosecond laser machine N N***n 2024年5月5日 从最初的接触,到服务,到交付和包装!都很满意!联系人非常耐心地回答我的问题。产品收到完好,包装很好,激光功率等都符合我定制的要求。我非常非常高兴,一定会再次订...
Der Nd:YAG-Laser ist ein wichtiger Allrounder in der dermatologischen Laserpraxis und für manche Indikation die Behandlungsmethode der ersten Wahl, wie z. B. für das eruptive Angiom auf vorgebräunter Haut, tiefliegende Lippenangiome, Venektasien im Gesichtsbereich. Diese und alle weiteren...