The Nd:YAG laser that is used in surgery today is a CW instrument that has an output of 1,064 nm in near-infrared light spectrum. This modality has become the second most important tool in the laser surgeon's armamentarium, the first being the CO 2 laser. The light emitted from the ...
Nd: YAG激光和Er: YAG激光作为两种代表性的固体激光器,是目前激光治疗及研究的热点。 1 工作原理 激光是受激辐射光放大(light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Laser),具有单色性、相干性和方向性方面的优势。激光器按照工作介质分类,可分为固体激光、液体激光和气体激光。固体激光是以掺杂少量...
Feasibility of Nd:YAG Laser Applications Nd:YAG lasers are some of the most frequently utilized laser systems. Due to the types of application (contact, non contact) and the resulting different tissue reactions (hyperthermia, coagulation, vaporization), Nd:YAG applications are described here in deta...
Applications Picosecond Nd:YAG laserapplications Tattoo removal Vascular lession removal Skin rejuvenation Skin refurfacing: Wrinkle reduction, acne scar reduction, skin toning Epidermal and dermal pigmented lesions: Nevus of OTA, Sun damage, ...
The ubiquitous Nd:YAG laser has played many roles over the years. For the military, it has provided rangefinding and target designation capabilities.
The ubiquitous Nd:YAG laser has played many roles over the years. For the military, it has provided rangefinding and target designation capabilities.
《单晶硅在Nd:YAG短脉冲及超短脉冲激光中的应用》是邓锡铭院士指导的一篇论文,作者华仁忠。副题名 外文题名 Applications of Silicon in Short and Ultrashort Light Pulses of Nd:YAG Laser 论文作者 华仁忠著 导师 邓锡铭院士指导 学科专业 光学 学位级别 d 1997n 学位授予单位 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 ...
pl2230系列全固态锁模皮秒Nd:YAG激光器(PL2230 series fully DPSS mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers) 型号:Pl2230 品牌:EKSPLA 产品简介: 第一个商用全二极管泵浦的高脉冲能量锁模激光器,能产生28 ps脉冲高达40 mJ的脉冲能量在50赫兹的脉冲重复率。 Features Hermetically sealed DPSS master oscillator Diode pumped regene...
Quantum Composers manufacturs standard and custom pulsed Nd:YAG lasers, laser systems, pulse generators, and current generators for OEMs and researchers.
the pulse is directed to a multipass power amplifier that is optimized for efficient stored energy extraction from the Nd:YAG rod, while maintaining a near Gaussian beam profile and low wavefront distortion. The output pulse energy can be adjusted in approximately 1% steps, while pulse‑to-puls...