dv2uvF Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. dv2uvf Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. dv2uvF_Wrap Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via ...
dv2uvF_Wrap Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics and retains metadata. dv2uvG Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics. dv2uvg Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a...
dv2uvf dv2uvF_Wrap dv2uvG dv2uvg dv2uvG_Wrap dz_height echo_off echo_on eof2data eof_varimax eofcor eofcor_pcmsg eofcor_ts eofcor_Wrap eofcov eofcov_pcmsg eofcov_ts eofcov_Wrap eofunc eofunc_ts eofunc_ts_Wrap eofunc_varimax ...
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autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig .gitignore