VAR = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(VAR,0) VAR = (/dtrend_n(VAR,True,0)/) VAR_ = VAR({latitude |:},{longitude |:},{time |:}) rc = regCoef_n(u850_eof_ts, VAR_, 1, 2) ; escorc®Coef 相关和回归函数 copy_VarCoords(VAR_(:,:,41), rc(0,:,:)) *** ***...
TP_ = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(TP_,0) ; 去除气候平均值(距平) TP_ = (/dtrend_n(TP_,True,0)/) ; 去除线性趋势(关注内部变率) TP = TP_*1000 ; unit:mm copy_VarCoords(TP_,TP) tp_r = TP({longitude |110:122}, {latitude |28:34}, {time |:}) ; 长江流域平均值 tp_m_ = dim_avg...
之后,他还分享了许多Plot画图前的准备工作,包括图形属性的设定等,推荐了一些常用的图形设置等。 在本次分享的结尾,聂俊同学回答了同学们有关矢量图查看与编辑的相关问题,同时分享了一些下载气象数据的实用网站和气候研究常用的函数,例如Time :...
dim_rmvmean_n Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions. dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. dim_rmvmean_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) ...
0 ="year" air2m_DJF&year=year air2m_ano = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(air2m_DJF,0) ;;;(3) enso index (5N-5S, 170-120W);;; ; 0表示仅用非缺省的数值进行计算 ;1 表示标准化时除以的是[N] ; 而0表示除以[N-1] ;; 输出至netcdf文件 path_out = "" system("rm -f "...
dim_rmvmean Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions. dim_rmvmean_n Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions. dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions...
SST = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(SST,0) SST = (/dtrend_n(SST, True,0)/) delete(sst) 这里特别要说明一点的是:copy_VarCoords函数必不可少,它是负责传递变量的维度信息,如果这里没有这个函数,那么TP是.nc文件的变量,而tp_就只是一个矩阵,缺失了经度和维度,在后面画图的时候无法一一对应,自然画出来的图就很...