VAR = month_to_season (var, seasonpath(k)) VAR = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(VAR,0) VAR = (/dtrend_n(VAR,True,0)/) VAR_ = VAR({latitude |:},{longitude |:},{time |:}) rc = regCoef_n(u850_eof_ts, VAR_, 1, 2) ; escorc®Coef 相关和回归函数 copy_VarCoords(VAR_(:,:,41), ...
xtime = ispan(yrStrt, yrLast, 1) ; 横坐标范围 season = "JJA" ; choose June-July-August seasonal mean 第二步数据处理,这里只是取了一个范围的平均量。 tp = short2flt(f1->tp(iYYYY,0,:,:)) printVarSummary(tp) TP_ = month_to_season (tp, season) TP_ = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(TP_...
0 ="year" air2m_DJF&year=year air2m_ano = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(air2m_DJF,0) ;;;(3) enso index (5N-5S, 170-120W);;; ; 0表示仅用非缺省的数值进行计算 ;1 表示标准化时除以的是[N] ; 而0表示除以[N-1] ;; 输出至netcdf文件 path_out = "" system("rm -f "...
air2m_ano = dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap(air2m_DJF,0) ;;;(3) enso index (5N-5S, 170-120W);;; ; 0表示仅用非缺省的数值进行计算 ;1 表示标准化时除以的是[N] ; 而0表示除以[N-1] ;; 输出至netcdf文件 path_out = "" system("rm -f "+ path_out) ; 若当前路径...
dim_rmvmean_n Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions. dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. dim_rmvmean_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) ...
addfile,addfiles:打开文件获取文件句柄。文件句柄包含文件全局属性,可以用getvaratts获取。 isfilepresent:测试文件存在。 getfilevarnames,getfilevardims,getfilevaratts,getfilevardimsizes,getfilevartypes:查询文件数据属性。 isfilevar,isfilevaratt,isfilevardim,isfilevarcoord:测试文件数据属性。15...
dim_min_n dim_min_n_Wrap dim_num dim_num_n dim_numrun_n dim_pqsort dim_pqsort_n dim_product dim_product_n dim_rmsd dim_rmsd_n dim_rmsd_n_Wrap dim_rmsd_Wrap dim_rmvmean dim_rmvmean_n dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap dim_rmvmean_Wrap
dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig .gitignore .gitmodules .pythonrc .vimrc ...
dim_rmvmean_n Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions. dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. dim_rmvmean_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) ...
Star1 Files master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc ...