熟悉NCL中的systemfunc、ListSetType和copy_VarAtts等实用功能,有助于提高效率。查阅NCL Graphics的font tables,如"T@units = '~F35~J~F~C'",以调整字体风格。颜色选择参考Named colors,色表则可参考NCL Graphics Color Table Gallery,如定义工作台颜色表(gsn_define_colormap)。以下是一段实际...
copy_VarAtts Copies all of a variables attributes from one variable to another. copy_VarCoords Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another. copy_VarCoords_1 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the ...
使用dim_avg会失去T 的元数据: Tzon = dim_avg (T) 使用dim_avg_Wrap会保留元数据: Tzon = dim_avg_Wrap (T) 可用的wrappers一览表: /Document/Functions/Contributed/ copy_VarAtts, copy_VarCoords, copy_VarMeta, copyatt等函数由用户提供,用于显式复制坐 标变量或属性。 5.6.2 类型转换 能够将一...
T = T2M-273.15 ;单位转换 开尔文单位换到摄氏度 copy_VarMeta(T2M, T) ;将T2M的变量属性、维度、坐标等赋给T T@units = "~F35~J~F~C";设置T的单位为℃ printVarSummary(T) ;输出变量T的属性 [date | 31] x [time | 24] x [lat | 133] x [lon | 145] ;………计算区域平均值……… T...
master .vim after autoload bin bundle colors dictionary ftdetect ftplugin plugin record snippets syntax Dockerfile.vim ncl.vim README.txt test.vim bash-git-prompt bin git_hooks others .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .git_bashrc .gitconfig ...
映射生成目标网格数据 复制原文件元属性到映射后到数据...;-- delete netCDF file if it exist cdf_file = addfile(ofile,"c") ;-- create a new netCDF file delete_VarAtts...->lat = (/dst_lat/) ;-- write lat to new netCDF file fout->lon = (/dst_lon/) ;-- write lon to ...
print ("genCmapColorWheelInternal: h="+hsv(:,0)+" s="+s(:,1)) end if cmap = new((/ncol+3,3/),float); create array cmap(0,:) = (/1.,1.,1./) ; white background cmap(1,:) = (/0.,0.,0./) ; black foreground ...
var_regrid!0="y";--name dimension0(default:ncl0)var_regrid!1="x";--name dimension1(default:ncl1)ofile="regrid_T63_to_T255.nc"system("rm -f "+ofile);--deletenetCDF fileifit exist cdf_file=addfile(ofile,"c");--create anewnetCDFfiledelete_VarAtts(var_regrid,(/"lat2d", "...
(coords + attributes) – copy_VarCoords – copy_VarAtts load $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl begin f = addfile(dummy.nc, r) x = f-X ; (ntim,nlat,mlon) ; calculations xZon = dim_avg _n(x, 2) ; xZon(ntim,nlat) ; copy meta data copy_VarMeta(x, xZon...