copy_VarCoords(w_era_ave, w_era_scale) ; copy coordinate variables ;插值 pnew = (/850.0,825.0,800.0,775.0,750.0,700.0,650.0,600.0,550.0,500.0/) pnew@units="hPa" OMEGA_new =vinth2p_ecmwf(OMEGA,hyam,hybm,pnew,PS,1,1,1,True,0,T(:,29,:,:),PHIS) DTCOND_new = vinth2p_ecmwf(...
copy_VarAtts: Copies all of a variable'sattributesfrom one variable to another. copy_VarCoords: Copies allnamed dimensionsandcoordinate variablesfrom one variable to another. copy_VarMeta:Copies allattributes,named dimensionsandcoordinate variablesfrom one variable to another. 5.特殊字符和字体 NCL Grap...
copy_VarCoords(x,y) 将x的属性赋给y 5.排序颠倒 a=[1,2,3,4] b=a(::-1) b=[4,3,2,1] 6.调整维数顺序 ts1 = tmp1(lat|:,lon|:,time|:) 7. sprinti("%0.2i",month) 8. vmin = local_min(dist, False, 0.0) dist为二维数组,得到最小值以及最小值所对应x,y点 xmin=vmin@xi y...
copy_VarCoords_1 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost dimension. copy_VarCoords_2 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for ...
copy_VarCoords_1 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost dimension. copy_VarCoords_2 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost two dimensions. copy_VarMeta Copies all ...
61、his error.20.Im getting an error from the shea_util.ncl script about copy_VarCoords being an undefined procedure.If you are seeing this error: html0.Close out of Cygwin (and all Cygwin processes).1.Open a Windows command prompt (start - run - typecmd or on vista : start - type...
zz=zz+1 endwhile tt=tt+1 endwhile endif i=i+1 name=\'/disk3/users/lbq/ERA-Interim-daily/pressure/\'var.j\'.interim.\'i\'.nc\' \'close 1\' endwhile \'disable fwrite\' j=j+1 endwhile eg2)使用ncl将数据输出成二进制数据,grads可以使用(截取部分) ...
是用来给坐标维度命名的,&是用来引用某一维度数值的,copy_VarCoords是ncl的贡献函数库中的子程序,将一个变量的坐标信息原封不动的传给另一个变量。 必须注意的是,绘制地图底图时,还要涉及到属性的概念,用@来引用或者声明。所以在给变量声明经纬度之名时,还要声明经纬度之属性,保证ncl能找到地图坐标,保证等值线或...
使用dim_avg会失去T 的元数据: Tzon = dim_avg (T) 使用dim_avg_Wrap会保留元数据: Tzon = dim_avg_Wrap (T) 可用的wrappers一览表: /Document/Functions/Contributed/ copy_VarAtts, copy_VarCoords, copy_VarMeta, copyatt等函数由用户提供,用于显式复制坐 标变量或属性。 5.6.2 类型转换 能够将一...
copy_VarCoords_1 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost dimension. copy_VarCoords_2 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost two dimensions. ...