attsetvalues Applies resources to the given objects. avg Computes the average of a variable regardless of dimensionality. band_pass_area_time Create a time series of area averages; band pass filter the resulting area averaged time series and calculate other statistics. band_pass_area_time_plot ...
attsetvalues Applies resources to the given objects. avg Computes the average of a variable regardless of dimensionality. band_pass_area_time Create a time series of area averages; band pass filter the resulting area averaged time series and calculate other statistics. band_pass_area_time_plot ...
5.dimsizes——获取数组维度尺寸 34 44 6.num——查询逻辑数组中真值数量 34 44 7.count_unique_values——查询数组中唯一值的数量 34 44 描述∶ 缺失值不计入。 count_unique_values(x)等价于dimsizes(get_unique_values(x))。 8.get_unique_values——查询数组中的唯一值 34 44 44-48 34-38 14 44-45...
Convertsvaluesoftypebytetovaluesoftypefloat. Calculatesdailyanomaliesfromadailydataclimatology. Calculatesmonthlyanomaliesbysubtractingthelongtermmeanfromeachpoint(lev,lat,lon,timeversion) Calculatesmonthlyanomaliesbysubtractingthelongtermmeanfromeachpoint(lat,lon,timeversion) ...
byte2flt Converts values of type byte to values of type float. calcDayAnomTLL Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data climatology. calcMonAnomLLLT Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lev,lat,lon,time ...