attsetvalues Applies resources to the given objects. avg Computes the average of a variable regardless of dimensionality. band_pass_area_time Create a time series of area averages; band pass filter the resulting area averaged time series and calculate other statistics. band_pass_area_time_plot ...
Coerces values of type character to values of type short. Coerces values of type character to values of type string. Evaluates the inverse chi-squared distribution function. Clears the given workstation objects. Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data. ...
5.dimsizes——获取数组维度尺寸 34 44 6.num——查询逻辑数组中真值数量 34 44 7.count_unique_values——查询数组中唯一值的数量 34 44 描述∶ 缺失值不计入。 count_unique_values(x)等价于dimsizes(get_unique_values(x))。 8.get_unique_values——查询数组中的唯一值 34 44 44-48 34-38 14 44-45...
chartoshort Coerces values of type character to values of type short. chartostring Coerces values of type character to values of type string. chiinv Evaluates the inverse chi-squared distribution function. clear Clears the given workstation objects. clmDayTLL Calculates long term daily means (...
Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). short2flt函数就能一步到位! 链接: 2.使用Python的方案: ...
byte2flt Converts values of type byte to values of type float. calcDayAnomTLL Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data climatology. calcMonAnomLLLT Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lev,lat,lon,time ...
In this study, it is aimed to estimate the number of daily passengers to be transported if the pandemic continues. The first case in our country was seen in later dates compared to other countries. Based on the number of cases in the countries, the country with the mos...