在癌症研究领域中,研究人员已经开始意识到数据分享的重要性,尤其是临床试验的相关信息、伴随临床试验的相关分子、基因层面的信息,NCI Genomic Data Commons便是为了解决这个问题而产生的工具,主要是由芝加哥大学、Ontario Institute for Cancer Research、Leidos Biomedical Research,在NCI补助下,所建置的共享癌症研究数据的云...
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Genomic Data Commons (Grossman et al. 2016, https://gdc.cancer.gov/ ) provides the cancer research community with an open and unified repository for sharing and accessing data across numerous cancer studies and projects via a high-performance data transfer and...
library(GenomicDataCommons) Check basic functionality status()#> $commit#> [1] "4dd3680528a19ed33cfc83c7d049426c97bb903b"#>#> $data_release#> [1] "Data Release 34.0 - July 27, 2022"#>#> $status#> [1] "OK"#>#> $tag#> [1] "3.0.0"#>#> $version#> [1] 1 ...
The goal of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Genomic Data Commons (GDC) is to provide the cancer research community with a data repository of uniformly processed genomic and associated clinical data that enables data sharing and collaborative analysis in the support of precision medicine....
In June, Vice President Joe Biden visited the University of Chicago to commemorate the launch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Genomic Data Commons (GDC), a new system for cancer researchers to share genomic and clinical data. The system is an integral element of the National Cancer ...
Provide R access to the NCI Genomic Data Commons portal. data-sciencebioinformaticsrgenomicscancertcgaapi-clientcore-servicesbioconductorvignettenci UpdatedAug 27, 2024 R jmsolano/denstoolkit Sponsor Star10 Code Issues Pull requests DensToolKit is a suite of programs for analyzing the molecular electron...
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Image Data Commons (IDC) offers publicly available cancer radiology collections for cloud computing, crucial for developing advanced imaging tools and algorithms. Despite their potential, these collections are minimally annotated; only 4% of DICOM studies in collections...
另外,包括NCI于今年6月启动的数据分享云平台Genomic Data Commons也将用于大规模临床试验数据的普及与科研应用。目前,Genomic Data Commons已经涵盖了来自于肿瘤基因组计划(The Cancer Genome Atlas)与有效治疗方法适用性研究(Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments)的14500例癌症病例。
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Zampella, J.G., Rodić, N., Yang, W.R. et al...