无蒂息肉伴浸润性癌的治疗前检查:内窥镜超声(EUS)或盆腔 MRI。 针对观察到的带蒂息肉和无蒂息肉,增加「监测计划」的相应内容,即 Surveillance(REC-10)。 REC-2 ►修改要点 若直肠癌伴疑或已知远处转移,分子检测需要确定肿瘤的 RAS 和 BRAF 突变以及 HER2...
近日,我院骆衍新、禹汇川团队在直肠癌临床诊疗领域的重要研究成果“Current Surveillance After Treatment is Not Sufficient for Patients With Rectal Cancer With Negative Baseline CEA”(目前的直肠癌治疗后监测方案在基线CEA正常患者中存在不足)在美国国家综合癌症网络(NCCN)官方期刊Journal of the National Compreh...
3. Meyer JE, Narang T, Schnoll-Sussman FH, et al. Increasing incidence of rectal cancer in patients aged younger than 40 years: ananalysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database.Cancer. 2010;116:4354-4359. 4. Tricoli JV, Boardman LA, Patidar R, et al. A mutational...
近日,我院骆衍新、禹汇川团队在直肠癌临床诊疗领域的重要研究成果“Current Surveillance After Treatment is Not Sufficient for Patients With Rectal Cancer With Negative Baseline CEA”(目前的直肠癌治疗后监测方案在基线CEA正常患者中存在不足)在...
RectalCancer LeonardSaltz,MD†‡Þ MemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter SunilSharma,MD† HuntsmanCancerInstituteattheUniversity ofUtah DavidShibata,MD¶ H.LeeMoffittCancerCenterandResearch Institute TheUniversityofTexasMDAndersonCancer Center WilliamSmall,Jr.,MD§ ...
• Surveillance Following Nonoperative Management (REC-10A) • pMMR/MSS: Recurrence and Workup (REC-11) • pMMR/MSS: Metachronous Metastases (REC-12) • dMMR/MSI-H: T3, N Any; T1–2, N1–2; T4, N Any or Locally Unresectable or Medically Inoperable (REC-14) ...
T3, N Any with Involved or Threatened CRM (by MRI); T4, N Any (REC-6) Locally Unresectable or Medically Inoperable (REC-6) Suspected or Proven Metastatic Synchronous Adenocarcinoma (REC-7) Surveillance (REC-11) Recurrence and Workup (REC-12) Metachronous Metastases (REC-12) Principles of ...
息肉样癌(PolypoidCancer)定义:形态呈息肉状的结直肠癌:带蒂无蒂;原位癌(pTis)恶性息肉(达到或超过粘膜下层,≥pT1)恶性息肉的处理:标本完整,组织学良 观 肠镜下切 好,切缘阴性,pT1 察 带蒂 除并标记 分析病理 标本不完整,组织学差,切缘阳性,>pT1 根治 无蒂 性 切 除 组织学良好(favorable...
17、ett K,et al Surveillance,epidemiology,and end results-based analysis of the impact of preoperative or postopera- tive radiotherapy on survival outcomes for T3N0 rectal cancerJ Cancer Epidemiol,2014,38( 1) : 73-7815 eimers MS,Kuppen PJ,Lee M,et al Validation of the 12-gene colon cance...
Colorectal cancer surveillance: 2005 update of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Practice Guideline. J Clin Oncol 2005;23(33):8512-8519.v有 复发高危因素(如淋巴 /血 管浸润 、分化差)的患者进行 CT检 查可能有用。w绒 毛状腺瘤,直径大于 1 cm, 或有高级别不典型增生。xRex DK, Kahi CJ...