• Surveillance (COL-8) NCCN Categories of Evidence and • Recurrence and Workup (COL-9) Consensus: All recommendations • pMMR/MSS: Metachronous Metastases (COL-10) • dMMR/MSI-H: Deficient MMR (dMMR)/MSI-High (MSI-H) Colon cancer (Non-metastatic) (COL-12) are category 2A ...
Guidelines for colonoscopy surveillance after cancer resection: a consensus update by the American Cancer Society and the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. Gastroenterology 2006;130(6):1865-71.y直 肠癌患者术后需行局部内镜检查以观察吻合口情况,以发现局部复发 。监测的合适期限仍不清楚 ...
分析病理 标本不完整,组织学差,切缘阳性,>pT1 根治 无蒂 性 切 除 组织学良好(favorablehistology):Grade1,2,无血管淋巴侵犯 术 组织学差(unfavorablehistology):Grade3,4,伴血管淋巴侵犯 切缘阳性:目前尚无统一定义,大多认为距切缘1-2mm以内查见癌细胞为阳性 无远处转移的结肠癌(Coloncancerwithout...
management of nonmetastatic or resectable/ablatable metastatic disease are discussed in the complete version of the NCCN Guidelines for Colon Cancer available at NCCN.org. Additional topics covered in the complete version include risk assessment, staging, pathology, posttreatment surveillance, and ...
The committee advocates a conservative post-treatment surveillance program for colon and rectal cancer patients. A determination of CEA should be done only if CEA was elevated at baseline and decreased following primary resection. Abdominal and pelvic CT scans should be utilized only when there are ...
Frequency of surveillance may be modified based on factors such as age at Footnote p: There are conflicting data to suggest that hyperplastic polyp(s) (1 cm) proximal which patient met cumulative adenoma threshold or total number of adenomas at most to the sigmoid colon pose an increased ...
3. Meyer JE, Narang T, Schnoll-Sussman FH, et al. Increasing incidence of rectal cancer in patients aged younger than 40 years: ananalysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database.Cancer. 2010;116:4354-4359. 4. Tricoli JV, Boardman LA, Patidar R, et al. A mutational...
Colonoscopy surveillance after colorectal cancer resection: Recommendations of the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. Gastroenterology 2016;150:758-768.jj 如果患者是接受进一步干预的潜在对象。注:所有推荐均为 2A 类,除非另有说明。临床试验:NCCN 认为任何癌症患者都可以在临床试验中得到最佳治疗...
Colonoscopy surveillance after colorectal cancer resection: Recommendations of the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. Gastroenterology 2016;150:758-768.jj.如果患者是进一步干预的潜在候选者。复发和检查(COL-9)英文版中文版脚注:b.参见影像学检查原则(COL-A)。 h.参见手术原则(COL-C,2/3)...
(Principlesofsurgeryforcolorectalcancer);肝肺转移灶旳外科??理原则 (Principlesofsurgeryforcolorectalmetastasis);病理评估原则 (Principlesofpathologicreview);术后随访 (Postoperativesurveillance);术后复发癌旳处理原则 (Workupandtreatmentforrecurrence);术后复发癌旳处理原则 (Workupandtreatmentforrecurrence);XELOX—...