NCCN 癌症治疗指南:卵巢癌2023(英).pdf,NCCN GUIDELINES FOR PATIENTS® 2023 Ovarian Cancer ® NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK Available online at Presented with support from FOUNDATION Guiding Treatment. Changing Live
1. NCCN guidelines for ovarian cancer 2020 Version1 2.Perren, Timothy J., et al. "A phase 3 trial ofbevacizumab in ovarian cancer."NewEngland Journal of Medicine365.26 (2011): 2484-2496. 3.Oza, Amit M., et al. "Standard chemo...
NCCN treatment guidelines for ovarian cancer: A population-based validation study of structural and process quality measures. Presented at: Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women's Cancer; Los Angeles, CA; March 11, 2013. Gynecol Oncol. 2013;130(1);e18. Available at: http://...
high-risk breast cancer (see eligibility criteria listed on BINV-K). In patients eligible for both adjuvant olaparib and abemaciclib, the optimal choice of therapy and sequencing is not known. (Also for BINV-8)
2021 Ovarian Cancer Presented with support from: Available online at Ü Ovarian Cancer Its easy to get lost in the cancer world Let NCCN Guidelines for Patients® be your guide 9 Step-by-step guides to the cancer care options likely to have the best results 9 Base...
combination with endocrine therapy can be considered in patients with HR+/HER2-negative, high-risk breast cancer (see eligibility criteria listed on BINV-K). In patients eligible for both adjuvant olaparib and abemaciclib, the optimal choice of therapy and sequencing is not known. (Also for BIN...
2022.v1 NCCN临床实践指南:卵巢癌.pdf,® NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines ) Ovarian Cancer Including Fallopian Tube Cancer and Primary Peritoneal Cancer Version 1.2022 — January 18, 2022 ® NCCN Guidelines for P
NCCN 2012 ovarian cancer 翻译版
NCCN肿瘤学临床实践指南 NCCN指南包括输卵管癌和原发性腹膜癌2021.v22021年8月17日NCCN.orgNCCN患者指南 ,网址:patients继续本指南由邱立新医生团队翻译仅供个人学习使用,严禁用于商业,请于下载后24小时删
NCCN 指南索引 NCCNGuidelinesVersion2.2021 目录 卵巢癌 讨论 NCCN卵巢癌指南版本1.2021从版本2.2020更新为: OV-C(10/11) • 增加的参考文献: ► Ray-CoquardI,PautierP,PignataS,etal.Olaparibplusbevacizumabasfirst-linemaintenanceinovariancancer.NEnglJMed2019;381:2416- 2428. ► Gonzalez-MartinA,PothuriB...